So, just when to the local hardware store, one of those places run by a couple in their late hundreds, items from the seventies laying in fading buckets, and they didn't have any wire cutters in, but I did buy this, don't need it, but you know:
View attachment 7491
Just saw this, absolutely love this stuff!!
@Merino-Teflon ok what size was the small SS Rope you sent mate, been sat here all day should i should i not as it took me a while to wick the mini HF, well what the hell. stuck the SS piece of rope in the Pan boiled its fkin head off for 15 mins, then did 2 wraps of 500 mesh round the top. Had a bit of trouble as the coils kept blowing on .20 Kanthal so I used .25 Kanthal only 3 wraps which gives me sub 1 Ohm. well what can I say its friggin Awesome, none of this genny tilt shit either
Wraps Ain't pretty
clouds of vape lol