Lets not forget the free shit - not the free wire, noooooo. Not the free cotton, nooooooo nor even the free vape bands nooooooooo. I'm talking magnets. The magnets that come with all the kanthal i've gotten through. I've got loads of them. What do i use them for?
-after a building sesh i use one for picking up stray clippings of wire.
- after an install i use one for picking out any clippings trappind in the atty, even if i cant see any i do a cursery dab just to check.
-i use one for cleaning tools - wire trapped in the jaws of pliers or in the the drill chuck should i be using one.
-and the biggie, you ever get pissed that you can't find that weird sized allen key you got with that expensive atty, stick it inside the lid of your build box with a magnet.
So thank rob
@stealthvape for the gift that keeps on giving