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Steamcrave Glaz Mini MTL RTA

I get what you're saying but compared to dialling in the AFC I find the drip tip less of a concern. Or maybe I need to stop hitting it so hard.
Having a weird issue. Built mine plenty of times and had absolutely no issues. Yesterday I rewicked it and it properly pissed liquid everywhere. Took it apart this morning and I can’t see any missing/damaged o-rings.

Also was getting a tiny amount of liquid coming through the chamber/drip tip.

Anyone had anything similar? Is it a too much or little wick issue? Any other suggestions?

Have been playing around with the wicking recently and have decided that it needs quite a bit in there. I use a 2.5mm ID coil and don't thin the wick tails out. For me it needs to fill the juice wells without being stuffed in there and cut so that the wick hole are not blocked. Hope that makes sense.
Well.... I finally got this in the post, last week. Few teething troubles which are always par for the course with me. Wicking and whatnot. It's a mighty fine RTA. Goes extremely well with my also recently delivered Kroma-R. Fantastic pair.

I've got a 8-9 wrap of Kanthal 26g in there. 2.5mm. Nice resistance of 1.20. Absolutely love it.

In response to who asked about the wicking, that was one of my issues at first. I'm used to building on tanks where the cotton rests. Not on this, ya don't. Fluff up as per and tuck it into the wells, very neatly. I was wondering why it was leaking like mad on me. That sorted it.

Cheers to whoever recommended this fine tank to me.
2.5mm internal diameter 27g kanthal 8 wrap coil and height sat level with the coil legs.

Cotton tight in the coil but no fluffing just tuck it in and let it expand.

Notice in the last picture that the cotton stops short of the juice intake hole in the juice well.

2.5mm internal diameter 27g kanthal 8 wrap coil and height sat level with the coil legs.

Cotton tight in the coil but no fluffing just tuck it in and let it expand.

Notice in the last picture that the cotton stops short of the juice intake hole in the juice well.

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Think I might have left it a touch too long. Will report back tomorrow once I have rebuilt it again.
Thanks for the detailed instructions @StrawberryRipple I’ve just followed them exactly but I’ve used Vapefly cotton clouds for a wick, I’ll try for a while and report back.
Must admit I've not got round to redoing mine yet, I tend to keep using my atty's till the wick is so gunked I need to cut it out as trying to pull it deforms the coil. I will give it a whirl next time, some good info popping up now as more folks share their experiences. :thumbup:
Ok, a little update to my endeavours with the Glaz.
I’ve coiled and wicked as per the instructions above, no wick visible in the ports and top channels full and have found some improvement, on the two smallest air holes the vape is tasty and almost silent but it’s too tight for me, on the three larger air holes the vape is rougher and rorty unless I puff on it really hard then it sounds clearer, if that makes sense.
It seems to me this tank just doesn’t suit my style of vaping, I like the draw to be on the looser side but take a relaxed easy draw on probably the largest 2 air holes, if I do this on the Glaz it sounds similar to if you press fire without drawing on it at the same time, as if there isn’t enough air being pulled over the coil.
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