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Feb 21, 2014
Hey everyone,

Do you all steep your new juices?? There seems to be some debate over if there are benefits or not!

If you do steep, what is your method?

I have received some juices from DarkStar today. ( delivered really quickly, great service. ) so big thanks.

Really want to get them straight in the tank but should I be patient??

If it doesn't taste right from the fresh bottle take off lids and leave in a dark cupboard two or three weeks
There should be no debate.
Get new juice
Try right away
Go back to it 2 weeks later

Experiment over.
Well some will be good to go @Shrubie81 Try them and see. If you can be patient once you have tried them give them a week or two as in most cases it will definately improve them.One of the advantages of mixing your own, you can have enough to vape whilst waiting for any liquids you have purchased from a vendor to steep.
Apparently complex flavours benefits more from this, fruit flavours should be good to go.

I have also read that there are a lot of myths surrounding steeping. I haven't much experience so I can't comment too much but it's worth googling.

Another thing I heard is that you shouldn't leave the cap off for more than 12 hours because the nicotine starts to evaporate.

Just keep it out of sunlight!
Lol??? I meant look.....

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Some vendors sell their juices pre steeped, so you can vape them straight away. Some vendors make their juices to your requsted preferences and so when you get them, they are best left to steep before you vape them.

Many vendors put a 'born on' date so you can check how 'young' they are.

If you get into mixing your own juices, read through the mixology section and there are plenty of threads on there about various ways of steeping.
Thanks for your thoughts on this guys. I hadn't heard of the 12 hour thing before. So far I have; Given them a good shake
Removed lid
Removed tip/nipple
Placed in cool dark cupboard.

So from here do I give it 12 hours then replace tip/nipple and leave or should I put the cap back on too???
All this steeping premade liquid fascinates me. In my opinion, if it's premade from a shop or vendor it should be ready to use straight away. If you make your own beer, you mix it all up and leave it for a few weeks before drinking it. Same with home made eliquid, mix it all up and leave it a few weeks before using it. How many people buy a six pack of beer and leave it for a few weeks to steep so it taste better?

Anything you buy that is commersialy made should be ready to use straight away. If it's not going to be ready for a few weeks, don't take my money for a few weeks either.
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