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Stoptober at HogRockTober


New Member
Oct 7, 2013
Hello all! I Just started vaping six days ago, my last cigarette...6 days ago. Over the weekend I went to, we'll, let's be honest here... A drunken debotchary filled bike rally. I have to say I was surprised my vision spinner and V2 mini protankII kept me from so much as a single puff from a cigarette.
Looking forward to a pipe mod already!
Good On You Sah! If you fancy a pipe then you'll find all sorts available. A word of caution though, learned the hard way, don't get tempted by any of the automatic variety posted on ebay regularly as Shisha Pipes, these are the 618 Models such as this one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/E-PIPE-61...les_Tobacciana_Smoking_LE&hash=item3a85ad61f8

I got one of them in the early days and the build quality is appalling and they do have a habit of dying in a very spectacular way after a few weeks usage. You are far better going for something like the Smoktech e-pipe, or..... if like me, you want a realistic wooden pipe, have a look around on the www and you'll find a wealth of knowledge and some beautiful pipes in many styles and in varying price ranges.

Keep us posted on your progress.
Welcome to POTV 68. You've done well, both in not taking a smoke from the those big hairy-arsed bikers over the weekend and also for finding a spinner so early in your vaping life. I spent my first two vaping years on cig-a-likes before finding an eGo Twist. As for the drunken debauchery, nothing wrong with that at all. Sessions like that have been popular for many thousands of years and long may they continue.
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