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Struggling with new wire


Jul 9, 2016
I'm used to building coils, with pretty good success, out of either 22ga kanthal and twisted 26ga kanthal. Almost ran out of the twisted, so popped to a local B&M and the guy said to try The Wire Doctor 23ga Pulse wire. From what I can work out it's SS317L wire, so different resistance to kanthal.

I've put 2 clean builds in my fat buddha mini, and both times I've done it the ohm reading jump from 0.22 to 0.25 and back. Everything tight, no hot spots on dry burn to test it. What am I doing wrong?

I think I should have gone elsewhere and just got more of what I know...
SS does change resistance as it heats, it's a property that is used for Temperature control coils but makes very little difference when used in power mode. There are several wires that change resistance when heated - Titanium, Stainless Steel, NiFe 30, Nickel 200, Tungsten. All of them exhibit exactly the behaviour you're describing - Increase in resistance when fired then dropping back to the original resistance when cold...
Is it happening when you fire it? At such a low jump I wouldn’t worry. I have a mod that jumps about wildly sometimes.
Sometimes it jumps when I haven't vaped for a while, such as at work between jobs.

I had read somewhere (not found much info on the wire doctor) that as it's a thicker wire, TC is not suited for this particular wire. That correct?
Sometimes it jumps when I haven't vaped for a while, such as at work between jobs.

I had read somewhere (not found much info on the wire doctor) that as it's a thicker wire, TC is not suited for this particular wire. That correct?
Wire thickness has no influence on accuracy - single strand spaced coils are accurate as the mod, it's multi strand coils or mixed wire types that cause problems...
Wire thickness has no influence on accuracy - single strand spaced coils are accurate as the mod, it's multi strand coils or mixed wire types that cause problems...
Ok, may experiment with TC in that case. Do they have to be spaced coils? I've built them compressed as that's what I'm used to. Or will that fact not have much difference?

Never done TC, so very newbish questions, sorry haha
Ok, may experiment with TC in that case. Do they have to be spaced coils? I've built them compressed as that's what I'm used to. Or will that fact not have much difference?

Never done TC, so very newbish questions, sorry haha
Spaced coils are more accurate - microcoils with touching wraps can suffer with changes of resistance caused by wraps touching and the moving apart...
Ok, will try it and see how I get on. Do I need to set the resistance? I know if I go through my menu I can manually set a resistance option, though not sure if that's the wire resistance or coil resistance.
Depending on the mod there is usually an option to read the initial resistance - sometimes like on the DNA mods it happens when you fire a new coil for the first time, others have a "Read resistance" option. The manual resistance set should be ignored unless you know the EXACT cold resistance and are having trouble with connections - in which case you really shouldn't be trying to use it for TC anyway...
Yeah, it does read the resistance on first firing. I flicked through the manual (cheap koopor) and the resistance setting was for TCR values, quick Google search and altered the value for the 316L, all seems to be firing fine, not getting too hot, just nice smooth warm vape.

Cheers for the help though @Tubbyengineer

It's nice to know there's always someone with much more experience and knowledge no matter the question!
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