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Sxk prime

Keep an eye on the coil fathers doggystyle on ft. It's listed as pyrex which obviously nobody believes so awaiting the first reviews.

Had a look at Coil Fathers site and cant see any way to contact them about doggystyle. It doesnt make any sense to me that Pyrex would work for this.
I think if it is pyrex it will be very fragile. I can just hear the crunch of screwing the tank on...!
As they said on the ft forum. Not impossible as the nautilus was threaded pyrex and that was heavy duty but its more likely a fastech misprint.
We await reviews.
My SXK Pocket has just arrived ..... and this one is indeed glass. It seems to be a Pico-style drop-in deck with a metal chimney, top-fill and a glass tank. I don't think I've ever BEEN so excited .......... I shall report back ...... it will probably leak like a sieve and I'll be grumpy by tonight! :51: :D
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