Chain-vaping whilst taking photos certainly seems to add an artistic ambiance.
It's nice to see analogue pinhole photography making a return though.
Chain-vaping whilst taking photos certainly seems to add an artistic ambiance.
That's a nice looking tank. Being new to this vaping game can I ask what it is?
Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
Agreed with @Tubbyengineer im too cheap to spend £75 per roll for backdrops I just use kingsize bed sheets :-P
Photoshop is your friend, levels > alter sliders > dodge = pure white
Sent From Within A Plume Of Mofucking Vapor, Boo Yaa
It's nice to see analogue pinhole photography making a return though.
This made me laugh, telling people how to use Photoshop with a sideways avatar
So I fixed it.. lol..
Making a return? Who said it ever left?
I use pinholes and solar grams :-P
Sent From Within A Plume Of Mofucking Vapor, Boo Yaa
I'm a massive fan of the photogram.
What makes them for me is that it infers echoes of an image. One of the techniques I use for my work is to reproduce photograms onto acetate and paper then transfer them back into 3D.
An echo of an echo of an echo - Derrida's Hauntology rocks my world
Cannot beat photograms and scanner grams, what do you mean you created a photo without a camera?!
Now that sounds like an interesting piece of work the 3D process do share some examples if possible?
Sent From Within A Plume Of Mofucking Vapor, Boo Yaa
Cannot beat photograms and scanner grams, what do you mean you created a photo without a camera?!
Now that sounds like an interesting piece of work the 3D process do share some examples if possible?
Sent From Within A Plume Of Mofucking Vapor, Boo Yaa