Hi, just looking for a bit of advice on here, i have been toying with getting a 3d printer for a while now and apart from the numerous ideas i have for justifying the purchase,making a 3x18650 dna200 is the final push i need.
So PET or ABS is going to be the way to go.
PET is the way to go, significantly easier to print the ABS.
I am going for a delta printer simply because I hate ''boxes'' and i like the way they look.
they seem to have a large community and good reviews.
I really wouldn't go with a Delta printer, and especially for a first printer......and here is why:
larger learning curve
Non uniform resolution map (movement per motor steps is not the same in the middle of the build plate as it is near the towers).
Most have the disadvantage of a Bowden extruder.
Trouble shooting is much harder as any movement involves all 3 stepper motors.
Leveling the bed is harder (for the above reasons).
For me these far outweigh the advantages of being able to print a little faster.
But the only thing I am concerned about is that am sure I read somewhere for ABS to print well you need a heated enclosure.
You do ideal as ABS will contract as its cools resulting in lifting the print off the bed and the print delamination higher up the model.
I heated enclosure keeps the whole print warm enabling it to shrink uniformly when the print is done.
If you don't have an enclosure, you can deal with the lifting issue by using different metiarals on your heated bed to help the print stick (ABS juice, PEI sheet, some hair-sprays).
But this will not help with the delamination risk if you are printing models more then a couple of inches hight.
The best fix is to not use ABS, but switch to PETG/PET+ that have all the strength and heat resistant quality, but are MUCH easier to print the the soon to be outdated ABS
would the heat from the hotend be enough if I fabricated 3 walls from acrylic so the area is kept at a constant temperature ?
No, but the heat from your heated bed would help if you also built acrylic walls (again, only needed of ABS)