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The Drip Tip Finder thread

I just realised that I can get a new tank for around that much off some sales. Will just try some other ones and get used to them.

Great idea for a thread. I have a few favourites for MTL. For a long time the steel nautilus 2 one was my drip tip of choice. I also quite like the Brunhilde MTL long drip tip.
Not sure why I posted on your thread [emoji3] Great idea @MoodyB
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BTW i also think this is a great idea for a thread.
Might take a lot of maintenance but worth it in the long run.

My 2p worth would just be categories need nailing then you could do a post per category.

Internal bore size
Material type

To keep maintenance simpler I was thinking of :

Visible Length - 15mm or below - 16mm and above

Bore Diameter - 5mm or below - 6mm and above

Outer diameter - 9mm or below - 10mm and above

The material type should be covered by either the pic or, hopefully, in the tips' webpage description.
Does anyone happen to know the pic limit per forum post, if there is one?
I for one have literally wasted hours and cash looking for drip tips that suit me, so I think it's a good idea.

Playing devils advocate, it could be a nightmare to compile and maintain. There seem to be shed loads of unbranded tips sold by many different vendors, and on places like fasttech the varieties come and go pretty fast. Some of these might vary by only a mm in length / bore / curvature.

On the other hand, you could email vendors / manufacturers and get plenty of free samples.
I was thinking of it more as a database of driptips that people here use & like, rather than collating every mtl drip tip there is :)
Does anyone think a drip tip database would be handy?.


There are too many options.

A bit like flavours, peoples preferences are too subjective.

I have lost five of these and replaced it with ten more https://www.fasttech.com/products/3036/10013296/2243902-brass-510-drip-tip

I like the drip tip from the clone of the kfl+ v2 on the tank it came on and on my genuine Heron. I do not like the Heron tip.

I use the derringer rda tip for me salix rda. On most other rda I use the ft one linked above. I have no idea what that is about.
A tip is just right for an individual on a particular atty/s or it is not.

I can not be bothered measuring them but even if I could I do not imagine it would help anyone.
There are not enough drip tip geeks to make this project into anything as grand as a database.
That is not to say it may not be of interest to some and useful for those that are still trying to find tips that are right for them.

Good luck with it though
I was thinking of it more as a database of driptips that people here use & like, rather than collating every mtl drip tip there is :)
Ah ok I get you. Ignore my rambling, that sounds like a very good idea :)
My favourite is the white drip tip made for the GP Spheroid atomiser.
I’ve only got one, would love to buy a few more but looks like they don’t make them anymore.
Does anyone know of any similar?
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