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The future of vaping............

"Tobacco and Vapes bill" wasnt mentioned for the wash up table on the final day of business. Hopefully the whole things bin binned, though that's wishful thinking.
I hear you on the wishful thinking. Sometimes, it feels like some bills come out of nowhere, and you're left wondering if they're ever going to get the attention they deserve or just fade into the background. As for tobacco and vapes, it can definitely get frustrating navigating the rules and regulations around them, especially when it feels like decisions are being made without considering all the factors.
Can anyone confirm whether the "higher" mg Nicotine used for DIY will be affected and the resulting cost, ie, do I need to stock up now?
Nothing is set in stone atmo, but if you want to indulge in a bit of navel gazing, it's all gonna get more expensive potentially. You can't legally buy stronger then 20mg in the UK. So that leaves the only option of stocking up on whatever you can afford and load up the freezer.
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