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The importance of sorting and washing your vape gear...

KulrMeStoopid hey is there anychance I can show some love to some of that gear?? Im pretty new to vaping and looking and trying to add some things to my collection.. so is there any nice stainless steel drip tips that I could buy off of you? Any weird and wonderful shapes just as long as there metal :-) let me know thanks
@KulrMeStoopid hey is there anychance I can show some love to some of that gear?? Im pretty new to vaping and looking and trying to add some things to my collection.. so is there any nice stainless steel drip tips that I could buy off of you? Any weird and wonderful shapes just as long as there metal :-) let me know thanks
This is the only funky one I have, believe its a special by Siam Mods for Garry Dibbley Charity even from Vapefest... I got mine direct though and not from the raffle.

Im still debating if I want to let it go...

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Cause it makes every atty/tank look like its wearing an overly animated top hat :P
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Hahah that looks really good. I'll have a look round see if I can find it
What the heck is that silver tube with a male connection on the bottom? Lower right of the picture? looks a bit... different :P
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