There are many vapers whom no longer go anywhere near any Atty that requires Cotton. The major advantage to a Mesh Wick, flavour aside, is their incredible longevity, just an occasional dry burn is all that's required. Believe it or not, a build that lasts 8 months, 12 months and well beyond is a huge bonus.
Yes there are disadvantages, definitely NOT the easiest build for a comparative novice, Mesh wicking is best suited to Tobaccos, Fruits etc, but not particularly good with Cakes, Custards etc.
For me, IF things work out successfully after the upcoming surgery, I will be returning to as many Mesh wick devices as I can because for the flavours that I enjoy, there really isn't ANYTHING that can compete. Alas, one does need hands and fingers that work to build a satisfactory Genesis or Mesh wicked device and as most of you know, at the moment, mine don't!!