These are my tips thru trial and error that helped me quit fags. This is geared towards those who just want an alternative to smoking, rather than those who want to delve into the realm of mods, ohms, watts etc etc. I’ve been quit for 18 months and still haven’t a clue & no desire to learn. I love my vape because it’s tasty and gives me nicotine, saves me £, saves my health & I don’t smell. This is what has worked for me:
Btw, I have 2 iStick 30w batteries & have just switched to Nautilus 2 tanks (x2) from nautilus minis. TBH, the 2 is only slightly better than the mini. Tastes better, but I was hoping for an easier fill. I’ve finally got the hang of it but if anything it’s more faff than the mini. As you can see, I’m pretty old skool & plan to stay that way. And a point is, have 2 of everything.
Anyhow, this is what I’ve found helped me:
Biggest was to treat it like a cigarette. After months of messing about where it was fun indoors but I still smoked, I finally used it properly: at work I took a break, went outside & vaped my heart out. Then I PUT IT AWAY until I needed nicotine again. I did the same at home too. This was the #1 big thing that got me quit.
I smoked a pack/day & I use 18mg. I once dropped to 12 & it was a disaster- back on the cigs immediately. What I’ve found with 18mg is better: my hardline habits have disappeared. I used to have 2-3 fags with my morning java, as in, if I only had 1 more left I’d go out at 3am to buy a pack as I knew I’d be RAGING in the am. Now, I only start thinking about my vape around 2pm. This kind of freedom from addiction is important to me.
I have a separate bank account. Every week, £48 goes into it which was my pack/day. I buy my vape supplies from it. In only 18 months, that account has £4000!!! Seeing the cold reality of what I was wasting really helped. My first 4 months it was in a big pickle jar I’d cut a hole in the lid and glued shut. Watching how fast it filled up was fun.
This is another reason I stick to MTL vaping at hi nic- it’s just too expensive for me the other way. I use 2-4ml of juice/day. With the Nautilus 2, I was recommended the 0.7 coils & wasn’t prepared for how much juice I was going thru 8ML!! I’m back on the 1.8s at 11-13W and I’m happy.
I know as a MTL vaper im a dying breed, which is why I just wanted to put this out there. I got overwhelmed by all the talk, videos and obsessions I was finding. It’s fascinating, in a way, but there’s also a simpler way if all you want to do is quit killing yourself.
And yes, drink lots of water. And pay attention to your gums. You may get bad breath. What’s shocking is it could be gum disease that was there but wasn’t obvious since your blood supply is so limited when you’re a smoker. A mouth full of blood when you’re flossing is actually a positive. Sort of.
Btw, I have 2 iStick 30w batteries & have just switched to Nautilus 2 tanks (x2) from nautilus minis. TBH, the 2 is only slightly better than the mini. Tastes better, but I was hoping for an easier fill. I’ve finally got the hang of it but if anything it’s more faff than the mini. As you can see, I’m pretty old skool & plan to stay that way. And a point is, have 2 of everything.
Anyhow, this is what I’ve found helped me:
Biggest was to treat it like a cigarette. After months of messing about where it was fun indoors but I still smoked, I finally used it properly: at work I took a break, went outside & vaped my heart out. Then I PUT IT AWAY until I needed nicotine again. I did the same at home too. This was the #1 big thing that got me quit.
I smoked a pack/day & I use 18mg. I once dropped to 12 & it was a disaster- back on the cigs immediately. What I’ve found with 18mg is better: my hardline habits have disappeared. I used to have 2-3 fags with my morning java, as in, if I only had 1 more left I’d go out at 3am to buy a pack as I knew I’d be RAGING in the am. Now, I only start thinking about my vape around 2pm. This kind of freedom from addiction is important to me.
I have a separate bank account. Every week, £48 goes into it which was my pack/day. I buy my vape supplies from it. In only 18 months, that account has £4000!!! Seeing the cold reality of what I was wasting really helped. My first 4 months it was in a big pickle jar I’d cut a hole in the lid and glued shut. Watching how fast it filled up was fun.
This is another reason I stick to MTL vaping at hi nic- it’s just too expensive for me the other way. I use 2-4ml of juice/day. With the Nautilus 2, I was recommended the 0.7 coils & wasn’t prepared for how much juice I was going thru 8ML!! I’m back on the 1.8s at 11-13W and I’m happy.
I know as a MTL vaper im a dying breed, which is why I just wanted to put this out there. I got overwhelmed by all the talk, videos and obsessions I was finding. It’s fascinating, in a way, but there’s also a simpler way if all you want to do is quit killing yourself.
And yes, drink lots of water. And pay attention to your gums. You may get bad breath. What’s shocking is it could be gum disease that was there but wasn’t obvious since your blood supply is so limited when you’re a smoker. A mouth full of blood when you’re flossing is actually a positive. Sort of.