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Tips for those who just wanna quit smoking vs becoming a Vaping Pro

Hi @Lola211 and welcome to the Planet.

great first post.
the istick and nautilus was my first real mod and tank and they are still used now and again 3 years later. i got the bug though which is shinyitis and bought way too much kit and now upto 23 mods and 44 tanks so a bit of a chunk taken out of what ive saved so far.

Whoa! That’s amazing. Frankly, I really AM fascinated, but tbh it’s got to be almost too much choice now. The money is less important now that I’m confident I’m pretty stable as a non-smoker, but the time I dropped to 12mg still makes me nervous to go down to 6 or 3. Since I now probably use my vape maybe every 4 hours, I’m kind of nervous to change the system.
Thanks for the heads up!! And glad to hear it. Like I said, I sort of sit in my comfort zone, but every time I venture out all I seem to hear when it comes to new gear is sub ohm-y super watt stuff coming out (which is all gorgeous, btw). Dropping to 12mg that one time has sort of put the fear into me as I’d been quit for 7 months, and that cost me 2 years of going back to analogues. ALTHOUGH, having said that, this was back in the day of pre sub ohm. I think, anyhow.
You're doing great with such a low power setup, kinda jealous as I couldn't manage vaping that low, it was only when I started vaping around 40-50 watts I managed to quit the cigs.

The higher power mod helped me ween down my nicotine to 3mg without actually noticing I had (if I have 6mg now I cough my guts up) but if your method works for you then perfect.

My brother is in the same boat as you were, smoking and vaping, with no signs of getting off the ciggies, he won't try higher mods like me so I am going to pass on your story to him cheers.

Like I said, you're method IS working for you and very cost effective so keep on keeping on I say.
Fair point, I didn't have the luxury of high nic option if I wanted to keep my leg, but this method sounds the best way for my brother for sure, just hope he will listen as he doesn't like advice from his younger brother :p

Lol! I don’t listen to my younger brother either. Something about being firstborn gives you a fat head .

I would literally make myself nearly ill on my fag break at work, I was so desperate for it to work. Home was harder. I’d have to put it in another room otherwise I’d be on it constantly a bit here and a bit there, and eventually at night I’d start craving a real one again, then I’d run out onto the street and start accosting people for a fix. Oh, the heartbreak when some scared soul threw me a Silk Cut to get away from me! I quit loads of times. The iStick when it came out is what seemed to work. And the mini. Xx
Welcome to the forum and great first post.

2 of everything - perhaps the best bit of advice possible for a new vaper.

MTL - you'd be surprised how many are MTL vapers. The rest of us just make more noise. This is one of the biggest threads on the forum:


I'm totally with you on flossing. Vaping isn't going to affect us all the same way, but I developed gum disease and now floss every day without exception, even when I'm going to bed at 3am after a late shift. The bleeding has almost stopped and my taste buds have returned to pre-smoking levels - food tastes like it did when I was a kid.

Yeah, it was a shock. At first I thought it was the Vaping, only learnt later it was already there but lack of blood to my gums had hidden it. The guy at my local shop said all his teeth came loose when he quit, so he had them all replaced! Count ourselves lucky xx
Whoa! That’s amazing. Frankly, I really AM fascinated, but tbh it’s got to be almost too much choice now. The money is less important now that I’m confident I’m pretty stable as a non-smoker, but the time I dropped to 12mg still makes me nervous to go down to 6 or 3. Since I now probably use my vape maybe every 4 hours, I’m kind of nervous to change the system.
i sometimes wish i had stuck to higher nicotine. after the first month of stopping on 18mg i bought the first subtank available which was the kanger subtank mini and dropped to 12mg for a few days and then straight down to 3mg and have stuck there ever since.
i now chain vape and have a different flavor in each and can get through 25-35ml a day.
the one thing i have noticed in 3 years is im swearing a lot more and lose my rag a lot quicker and on occasions think fek it i want a cig. but then i remember ive not had over 20,000 cigs since i stopped and once i have a cig im back on them so i resist (but only just).
if your happy with high nicotine then keep it up as no matter what strength its still better than smoking.
Keep your LEG???

Yeah I have type 1 diabetes and smoked, both high risk reasons for narrowing of the arteries, sure enough I ended up hardly able to walk, needed an operation (angioplasty) and in no uncertain terms I was told quit smoking or it will worsen and could loose my leg or worse.

The surgeon said even vaping was out of bounds as it's the nicotine that causes the problems, but I tried EVERYTHING gum, patches, nicorettes and worst of all Champix tablets which had horrific side efects.

So I resorted to vaping and determined to get the nicotine down ASAP took about 3 weeks to get from 10mg (started low) down to my current 3mg and I aim to lower this still or mix between tanks with and without nicotine as I far more enjoy vaping than I did smoking (especially the yummy flavours I can't eat due to diabetis).

Apart from the obvious nicotine reduction the pro's are staggering:
Fitter and rarely out of breath on short runs and brisk walks.
Higher lung capacity (I did the blow test and results were above average for a no smoker)
Sense of smell back (that was a wow factor to me after 30+ years of smoking)
Carbon Monoxide levels dropped MASSIVELY from 20 down to a none smoker level of 2 (within just 1 week of no smoking).

The Cons:
People don't say "Filthy habit" anymore :(
I am obsessed with my new hobby and overspending (but I get a lot of pleasure from it)
Yeah I have type 1 diabetes and smoked, both high risk reasons for narrowing of the arteries, sure enough I ended up hardly able to walk, needed an operation (angioplasty) and in no uncertain terms I was told quit smoking or it will worsen and could loose my leg or worse.

The surgeon said even vaping was out of bounds as it's the nicotine that causes the problems, but I tried EVERYTHING gum, patches, nicorettes and worst of all Champix tablets which had horrific side efects.

So I resorted to vaping and determined to get the nicotine down ASAP took about 3 weeks to get from 10mg (started low) down to my current 3mg and I aim to lower this still or mix between tanks with and without nicotine as I far more enjoy vaping than I did smoking (especially the yummy flavours I can't eat due to diabetis).

Apart from the obvious nicotine reduction the pro's are staggering:
Fitter and rarely out of breath on short runs and brisk walks.
Higher lung capacity (I did the blow test and results were above average for a no smoker)
Sense of smell back (that was a wow factor to me after 30+ years of smoking)
Carbon Monoxide levels dropped MASSIVELY from 20 down to a none smoker level of 2 (within just 1 week of no smoking).

The Cons:
People don't say "Filthy habit" anymore :(
I am obsessed with my new hobby and overspending (but I get a lot of pleasure from it)

That’s absolutely amazing!! Well done dude!! Just a tip re the angioplasty: my mum had one done many years ago (she has a host of major health concerns, including obesity, blood pressure, thyroid, the list goes on). She was told the angio would only last 10 years or so. They recently did a scan, apparently the doctor was amazed as it looks brand new and it’s been 17 years and counting. The only thing that she says accounts for that is she read about high dose vitamin C, and takes 3grams/day religiously. Thought I’d pass that on, especially as smoking depletes it. She never smoked or drank though. X
Thanks for that, only been diabetic a couple of years, I don't get much Vitamin C these days as I can't drink OJ due to high sugar so I will definitely add that to my stack of pills lol.

The only medical condition I now need to address is the Buyingtoomuchgearitis, more addictive than Nicotine.
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