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Top fed gennies?


Staff member
Jul 11, 2012
I'm bored and want a new toy and have been looking at getting a new atty. I am intregued by top fed/gravity fed gennies but they are few and far between. I quite like the look of electro pipes talos or lv. Has anyone else tried either of these or any other ones of this type? I like the idea of doing away with the genesis tilt (yes I am that lazy!) and have heard they are good for fruit and dessert flavours which is my thing but other than that I'm just intregued I guess.
I have a US G tank by scubabatdan a top fed genesis, been using it for over a year :cool:
I've had both the LV and NV and a cyclon v1, of them all i prefured the LV, but have to say the cyclon v2 looks good. I like the cobra over all of them though, best gennie i've tryed so far just need a tank without the branding.
I've had both the LV and NV and a cyclon v1, of them all i prefured the LV, but have to say the cyclon v2 looks good. I like the cobra over all of them though, best gennie i've tryed so far just need a tank without the branding.
I'm having a trial on a cyclon so I'll let everyone know how I get on with it. I'm really looking forward to having something new to fiddle around with :D
The cyclon i found to be a solid atty, but my clumsey fingers struggled to coil it, to be fair to the cyclon it was one of my first gennies which could explain the dificulty in coiling.
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