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Totally wicked court case results.

At pain of being shot, I am coming around to thinking that TPD once it has come into being is not going to change my vaping in any way whatsoever. You may all think I am blindfolded in face of the colossus of TPD and what appear to be draconian regulations. Only time will tell I guess. However I do have a smidgen of rationale to my thinking. I'm not talking the mom and pop B&M stores up and down the country, they will take a monstrous hit. I'm not even talking about the many internet stores. Yup they too will take a hit. I'm just being purely selfish and thinking about myself. How am I going to be affected short and long term. The short answer is, hardly any or not even in the slightest. And I think that will also apply to many on here. The man's a nutter, of course vaping is going to change beyond all recognition come 20 May, I can hear people shouting.

So why the illogical optimism? The rules as they are written is the simple answer. In many respects they don't apply to me. Simple. Let's break this down a bit. I make my own juice, I bottle it in my own, okay reused 10ml bottles. Is that going to change on 20 May? No. Go back a step. Aside from the fact that my freezer is full of 72mg nicotine juice, I will be quite surprised if I can't purchase 500ml plus of 72mg nicotine liquid after 20 May. Nowhere in the new regulations does it say purchasing 500ml of 72mg strength nicotine will be illegal. If you don't believe me go read the proposed rules, then read them again, and you may understand my thinking. As I said, just incase I'm wrong, I have 2lt of nic in the freezer, just in case. Next, my atomiser. Clearly nothing in the rules prevents me from using any of my current equipment. I purchase ready made coils on the whole, mainly because my limited coiling abilities are shit. So where does it say in the rules coil heads are illegal to purchase? It doesn't, so I fully expect to have an ongoing supply. What about the newfangled all singing and dancing atty, that I must have? Again no problem. Where does it say I can't purchase a new fangled breath freshener? This is the only tricky one, but if nothing else we are inventive. The mod. Basically a battery or designed to contain a battery. Again with a little imagination no problem getting hold of them.

So all in all, in a totally selfish manner I can say I'm alright Jack, so piss off you ignorant self serving bigots from the DoH and EU.
which is great ... but doesn't in any way help the majority of people and definitely doesn't help the soon to be swappers
This is exactly my thinking @bobsbeer - TPD will hit B&Ms hardest, but it won't affect me much. (Yes, I've signed more than one petition)

Newbies may have it harder and it may become less of a 'hobby' but we'll still be buying stuff online from China or wherever and still cheaper (as the PRC seems to be pile it high sell it cheap).
Nothing if not predictable.

The establishment couldn't give a crap about people, the only thing they care about is commerce and they'll happily screw the public over to pander to corporate interests.

I wish I could say that petitions/court cases might have a positive effect, but basically, the whole system is corrupt from the top down and no amount of positive evidence will sway decision makers that are in the pockets of their corporate paymasters.

Stock up.

Encourage any friends/family that are considering a new year quit attempt to try a decent setup and then stock up.

The more of us that stock up whilst it's still possible, the less control and influence the corrupt bastards have.
Well said Steff, nice and blunt language just how it is. Basically corporate interests. These guys really don't care a damn and can pretty much get away with anything. Sadly I say stock up too and be prepared to help people from your personal supplies. People need to start using the corruption word a bit more in this country.
My comments on this are probably predictable and would usually contain a fair smattering of swear words.

So I'm not going to bother writing them. Have a nice Xmas everyone.

Although it's not over yet, sure we all hoped for a good result but in our hearts knew it wud not succeed. It's is tragic esp. for switchers, new vapers and current smokes, they will be denyed the awesome devices we have today:(
My comments on this are probably predictable and would usually contain a fair smattering of swear words.

So I'm not going to bother writing them. Have a nice Xmas everyone.


Looking at Juliane Kokott's glam photo portfolio, "smug twat" comes to mind.
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