What's new

twitter is the new warning

Internet spies on you
Smart phone spies on you
Smart TV spies on you
Umpteen devices in your home can be hacked to spy on you
Now pubs wanna spy on you
Wanna hear a crazy statistic...

There are more guns than people in the United States ( 400 million are in circulation for a population of 330 million). In just the first six months of 2020, approximately 19 millionfirearms have been sold, representing more than one firearm for every 20 Americans.Jul 13, 2020
Twitter is for twats.

Operation Big Brother now in force.

Eric Blair will be smiling from above and saying, "I did warn you, back in 1948, you've had plenty of time to prepare for this... Alexa is the Devil..."

Internet spies on you
Smart phone spies on you
Smart TV spies on you
Umpteen devices in your home can be hacked to spy on you
Now pubs wanna spy on you

And MI6 are still recruiting... :D

Government don't know their arse from their elbow.

Making it up as they go along, to suit themselves.

Not changed my behaviour since lockdown. Everyone is a potential asymptomatic carrier.

My 2 metre walking stick does the job.
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