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UK Vendors, lack of choice?

Fleabag, if you think that the wholesale price you might see on certain sites is what the 'in country' price equates too you will be some way off the mark i'm afraid. Add to that the prospect that at any market there is probably already a fixed e-cig stand and perhaps even a casual one doing things at shoestring prices and it is a lot more competitive that you might think too. That gap in the market is probably already being filled by someone local to you (we have three shops here in the small area of Sheffield that I am from, all popped up relatively quickly, all really close to each other and all selling similar goods). I was looking at a unit relatively locally but have had to expand my search a bit further out as it has become oversaturated here in just 2 months.

Here in Sheffield there are people selling eGo kits for a tenner with a juice and from what has been reported to me will sell to pretty much anyone of any age (unscrupulous) and I cannot see how, if the quality is any good, how they can possibly be doing that AND paying their official dues. Remember that the import costs add a quarter again, your PAYE and your wages needs to be covered if you expect to make anything from it.

If you get into mail order, most of the time you have to subsidise postage costs a little in a sale also as otherwise your fees are too expensive for people to buy from you. The wholesale price you see is nowhere near the black and white sum you think it is.

I used to deal in motorcycle leathers so was a bit more knowledgable about these things before I setup PlumeBlu, the same situation happens in that business too - the more you buy the cheaper it becomes and wholesale prices are usually listed at the cheapest price - will you be able to buy 5000+ of each single item to get it at that price? If not you would need to look at your startup budget, add the costs in for all the above official extras (dont forget your shipping - add 10% for that to be on the safe side) and then see how many of an item you COULD afford to buy wholesale, then recheck the price per item and re-do the maths - you may get a shock.
On the paragraph issue - just download Google Chrome or other browser. The problem is with Internet Explorer 10.

Speaking as a web dev .. and I'm sure all the other web dev's here will agree with me ... the problem is always, ALWAYS IE
Speaking as a web dev .. and I'm sure all the other web dev's here will agree with me ... the problem is always, ALWAYS IE

Confirmed :p I stopped supporting IE ages ago, every now and again I'll chuck in a few IE handlers, with most of the time a message appearing recommending Chrome/Firefox/Opera instead of IE lol

I mean, christ, even MOBILES handle websites better than IE these days
Confirmed :p I stopped supporting IE ages ago, every now and again I'll chuck in a few IE handlers, with most of the time a message appearing recommending Chrome/Firefox/Opera instead of IE lol

I mean, christ, even MOBILES handle websites better than IE these days

ditto! unless specifically requested ... whereby I charge more :)
Speaking as a web dev .. and I'm sure all the other web dev's here will agree with me ... the problem is always, ALWAYS IE

It wouldnt be as bad if it were just the latest version of IE either, when IE8 is still in use in corporate machines and does not work properly at all to the rest of the web you have 3 versions of IE that work differently you have to try and code/hack for. IE just plain sucks
It wouldnt be as bad if it were just the latest version of IE either, when IE8 is still in use in corporate machines and does not work properly at all to the rest of the web you have 3 versions of IE that work differently you have to try and code/hack for. IE just plain sucks

the easy answer is not to bother .. until asked
I use FireFox on my pc & lappy and chrome on phone not used IE for 7+ years now
It wouldnt be so bad if it hadnt sucked right from the very first version to the very latest

Firstly I do not apologize for being the only ie user here. It's because a section of my system security works better with it.
Secondly on the subject of market traders. I was at the Northampton one the other day, (first visit).
While I was browsing, the stall holding was helping two obvious newbie's. And from what he was saying he new his stuff.
He didn't have much to offer the hardened vaper, mostly new starter stuff as you would expect. But when you get a queue forming (6 of us in total), and two of them have mods in their top pockets. You know he's not just going for a quick quid.
Within the same area are two shops. Both selling the same or similar items, cheaper than the market stall.
So the question is; Why the queue at the stall.
I spent £12 on the stall, zero, in the shops.
Firstly I do not apologize for being the only ie user here. It's because a section of my system security works better with it.
Secondly on the subject of market traders. I was at the Northampton one the other day, (first visit).
While I was browsing, the stall holding was helping two obvious newbie's. And from what he was saying he new his stuff.
He didn't have much to offer the hardened vaper, mostly new starter stuff as you would expect. But when you get a queue forming (6 of us in total), and two of them have mods in their top pockets. You know he's not just going for a quick quid.
Within the same area are two shops. Both selling the same or similar items, cheaper than the market stall.
So the question is; Why the queue at the stall.
I spent £12 on the stall, zero, in the shops.

He's a good lad to be sure, always very honest with his advice even if it means losing a sale.
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