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UK Vendors, lack of choice?

I remember watching my web stats not long after we setup and was amazed that over half the people visiting are using ie.

what he was saying he new his stuff.

Hands down you always want to find a seller that knows what they are selling and is happy to spend time with customers, doesn't matter whether you're buying e-cigs or elephants.

I think the majority of vendors on here are knowledgeable helpful types, and about 1/3rd of the B&M shops/market stalls I've been to are also run by people that know their stuff.
He's a good lad to be sure, always very honest with his advice even if it means losing a sale.

Not as good as the one that told me, to get my item from the same place as he gets his. And gave me the webby. Bought some juice off him just the same.
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