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Review Vanilla Custard by Mad Doctor

mrteatime I seriously can't wait for the Krakhead to get it on the shelves, if its as good as you say it is, being 'the King of the Custard People' and going off your captain custard recommendation, which was spot on, then it is going to be a top juice, i'm going to get me some blood hounds and hunt the bastard down even if he is in the middle of a bognor regis butlins holiday live show. Sqink is always a top juice i favor and go back too and custard with a dash of coconut is right up my street.
When he the kraken names things like a custard... kingslayer... i wonder how he came up with his name, it never makes me think of custard but neither did his minion farts, whats he saying with that name? Sounds more like something Celtic Vapes would name a Tobacco Spice.
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when he the kraken names things like a custard... kingslayer... i wonder how he came up with his name, it never makes me think of custard but neither did his minion farts, whats he saying with that name?

not sure he could get away with "thiscustardisthebollocks" so settled on kingslayer :)
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