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Vape Tax.. we all knew it was coming

It doesn't matter which party is in government as vaping is going to be treated like tobacco and alcohol, aka a lucrative source of tax revenue especially as revenue from fags is declining because less are smoking and/or more are buying fags on the black market as they're now about £16 a pack.

i know that they don’t behave rationally. but from a rational perspective, it doesn’t make sense. the excessive tax burden on alcohol and particularly fags is linked to the relative harm they cause.
i know that they don’t behave rationally. but from a rational perspective, it doesn’t make sense. the excessive tax burden on alcohol and particularly fags is linked to the relative harm they cause.

Nah, I'll stick with it's to raise tax revenue. Bear in mind once upon a time they taxed windows which is why some bricked them up.

Folk were taxed on how many fireplaces they had. It was hard to get into some houses, so they started counting windows instead!

Wow, that's mad!

Reminds me of rural Italy. Apparently if your house is unfinished you don't pay tax on it so people build an extension but don't finish it... leave a wall half built or don't put a roof on it etc. Not sure how true that is, our crazy Italian ski rep told us when driving us to Madonna di Campiglio to go snowboarding.
John Dunne on Vic's vape show with some interesting information regarding HMRC's plan, or lack of it at the start of the show.

Main thing I've noticed after 20 mins of viewing is that Vic previously gave UKVIA a right good slagging.. and now he's sucking John Dunne's cøck...
Main thing I've noticed after 20 mins of viewing is that Vic previously gave UKVIA a right good slagging.. and now he's sucking John Dunne's cøck...
Also noticed that. I’ve not got much time for him. Everything good he does, which he does, sometimes, he negates with all the bitching.

The video is however worth a watch. The government are VERY disorganised over the whole thing.
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