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Vape Tax.. we all knew it was coming

John Dunne on Vic's vape show with some interesting information regarding HMRC's plan, or lack of it at the start of the show.

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John Dunne on Vic's vape show with some interesting information regarding HMRC's plan, or lack of it at the start of the show.

a very good live there are lots of reasons Ukvia and the other bodies are trade organisations they have had quite a beating from vapers about not acting but as john pointed out there is a conflict of interests you can't be both a trade and consumer group in the eyes of the goverment.

I think now he has spoken we can get on and start fighting this ban rather than stupid finger-pointing comments on arsebook the enemy here is Rishi and the government they want to tax, ban, and pigeonhole an alternative that saves lives, in short, stop bitching get fighting the people in a few months time, our votes will put in power.
John Dunne on Vic's vape show with some interesting information regarding HMRC's plan, or lack of it at the start of the show.

That was really interesting. I don't usually watch Vic at all but I ended up watching all of that.
Anything newsworthy?
(I doubt I'll be watching it)

A lot to be honest... I would recommend it.

A lot of about the process of what's happening and what is going to happen and why. Too much for me to write an essay on here.

It will reinforce some of what you think already and shed some light on things that most of us know very little about. Vic says very little, which is a bonus for me.
This is def a cash grab IMO.... The aim is to grab as much cash as possible whilst winning as many, and losing as few votes as possible - i.e. they grab it where they can get away with it.

Disposables and the media attention have enabled them to get away with it in principle. So now they're just maximising the $ that they can get from this lucrative new avenue.

The drop in fag tax revenue is related too I think... I can't imagine that they are blind to the fact that less smokers will now give up. But from their financial standpoint this is a win win. Either they get tax from smokers or vapers, whatever they decide to do.

I don't think facts like whether more smokers than non-smokers give up really factor into their decision making outside of PRs. Those considerations are good optics, nothing more.

It's about the money. It's always about the money.
Said from the start, it's a vanity project for Sunak and his wife, a way to make Labour look bad, and extra money in case they get back in power in 2029.
i tried to watch a bit of the video but it was mind numbing my boring so i switched it off :)
It doesn't matter which party is in government as vaping is going to be treated like tobacco and alcohol, aka a lucrative source of tax revenue especially as revenue from fags is declining because less are smoking and/or more are buying fags on the black market as they're now about £16 a pack.
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