So just got back from a loooong chat with the VapeCige owner, and what I've got is:
They will replace all the faulty mods within 2 weeks max, and for now, i have to provide the numbers of faulty devices, and pictures of the serial number, and display the fault, aka not charging, or 510 fallen off
So as soon as you all receive them, please check them carefully if they are charging, connecting to escribe, or the atty didnt roll off under the bed
Im waithing for your feedback on that guys, and as soon as the numbers are there, i will inform them on how many replacement units they need to send back to me. Im not entirely sure if they gonna ask for the faulty devices back, but if they dont, then you keep them, if they do however, you gonna have to send them back to me, and i will take care of the postage money for you, and sending back the replacements as soon as i receive them
It is a cock up, i know, but i promise to do my best to get it all sorted out
Im really sorry about this