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VapeCige VTBox200

Vape Cige told me that they are correcting this error with all future shipments and that they've identified the issue with the duff cells being sent out and corrected it.

Whether they do or not will be shown when the replacements arrive, I guess.

Now that i got most of the mods that needs replacing, and a chance to play with them, i get to the conclusion that the mods are fine, but the batteries are faulty, got one from Andy last night, and its only the 510 that got unglued. So i put the healthy battery in a different mod, and it all seems ok.
Bloody Vapecige idiots, not testing the batteries is a very, very irresponsible thing

All the mods will be shipped to China tomorrow, so hopefully the replacements will be back to me soon

That's great that they've identified the problem with the batteries in the duff ones, I thought it sounded like just a battery issue. Like you say pretty silly all this hassle and mods being shipped back and forth for what is actually a pretty cheap part of the build, so easy to check em too. I wonder if they damaged the cells ramming them in, didn't seem to take much care looking at my one. Once you've had a few goes putting them in and out it's not too bad really, still need to be careful though.

I know they've said they're fitting the 510's different, are they making the threading and sprung loaded pin deeper too? My 510 has been rock solid to be honest, thrown a couple of silly builds in there and built them on the mod on purpose so a was tugging it around a bit setting the coils, still didn't budge. I think I was secretly hoping it would come away so I'd have an excuse to fit a fat daddy in there:8: All the other bits I can live with but I have to say the atty gap gets to me.

Can't wait for the rest of you guys to get your mods, it really is some bit of kit.

Did I say I wouldn't be using it over 30W?:5:
Really must have another play with temp coils though.

I know they've said they're fitting the 510's different, are they making the threading and sprung loaded pin deeper too?

Deciphering the chinglish, nope. Their reply indicated they'd simply apply more glue but might look at a redesign later - to which I read a V2.

It's a spectacular design fail, but then the whole mod struck me as something they rushed through to be one of the first to market. All told, on the back of their VA clone fail, they're a one-legged person who's shot themselves in the foot.
rob-o-cop, So the race is on - which will you send me first? My Vtbox200 or my Vt200 - wait hang on does that make sense?...

Screw it - The Vape cige or the H-Cigar...:D
I'd be very interested in hearing about these tricks :)

One of the most common ones is to carefully drill a hole through the plastic housing between the pins. Obviously you have to be very carefull you don't hit the pins, easier to do it before you've soldered it on if it's a new connector. You can then either put a loop of string through it to give you something to pull on or use a set of circlip pliers in the holes to pull the connector apart. You can also use loops of string without drilling the holes. Make two loops of string and put them both between the pins when you plug them together, pull the loops to get them apart again. Some Deans connectors have ribs on them to help you grip them but if they don't you can roughen up the surface or put ridges of thick glue on them. It's all about getting a grip on the damn things, trouble is if you can't get hold of them it's tempting to just tug at the cables which is never good. Not so much a problem using them in this mod but for RC planes people can end up busting fuselages trying to pull them apart, tugging away at them and all of a sudden they come apart.

On a scale of 1 to very, how stupid would it be to try and file the pin down with a dremel?

You could but then it's probably easier just to change it for a fat daddy or other. If you tried it you'd have to be sure to get all the filings out of there. Not sure if it could be done from the other side but then you'd have to take it out to do that and again making it easier to swap it for another one.
This thing is an absolute beast. Been getting funny looks in the street when vaping on it.
So far am growing to love it even getting used to the spongy fire button.
Not played around with escribe too much yet however any tips on getting started would be great. Currently using ni-200 triton coils at 0.15 so if any of you have a profile you can share it would be great to get me started.
sganatra highly recommend you delve into Escribe, you can get so much more out of a vape if you tune the settings to your tank. Then save it in a profile and customise the profile screen. Then tune your next tank etc etc. I'm so missing mine - even with its swollen lipo, fallen apart fire button, seized 510 centre pin etc etc. Can't wait to get the replacement.
@sganatra highly recommend you delve into Escribe, you can get so much more out of a vape if you tune the settings to your tank. Then save it in a profile and customise the profile screen. Then tune your next tank etc etc. I'm so missing mine - even with its swollen lipo, fallen apart fire button, seized 510 centre pin etc etc. Can't wait to get the replacement.

Been going through the online training this morning and have setup my first profile.
Seems to be ok but need to tweak it when I get home. Not easy at work as I cannot vape at my desk anymore.
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