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Vaping is under threat

A pleasure to be informed and sign

Thank you Diche for bringing together this thread with its informative links.
After reading them and not long becoming a vapourish type person myself, it would indeed be a shame if those that had no interest other than to line their pockets were able to pass this ridiculous ruling.
If we stand together our raised in unison voice shall be heard.
I have signed for my whimper to be heard

Toot toot and vape on people

Vaping has almost been around 10 years and has changed the lives of so many people, such a small thing can change lives.

Thank you vaping.
If I'm honest I enjoy vaping and look to go further into it. It means I can be around my kid and not feel as guilty.
I agree that some regulation is essential but hopefully they don't go too overboard with it
(hi everyone new here) Just a quick question guys, with the possible introduction of the dreaded TPD, will this effect how any of you will vote in the in/out referendum, and if so do you think that if we vote to leave the EU, the UK government would relax the constraints put on vaping
(hi everyone new here) Just a quick question guys, with the possible introduction of the dreaded TPD, will this effect how any of you will vote in the in/out referendum, and if so do you think that if we vote to leave the EU, the UK government would relax the constraints put on vaping

getting out of the EU will never happen vote or no vote.

end of 2017? how long have they been in power and been able to call for a referendum?

smoke and mirrors
Vaping Smoke Still Not Accepted

Ever since the smoking ban was introduced, the habit has been classed as Anti Social Behaviour. Smoking inside public buildings has well and truly come into force nationwide. Now there is a threat that smoking should be banned outside as well, especially on private land. This is already happening in Hospitals, where smoking anywhere on site is banned. Railway Stations, even in open areas, smoking is banned. Public Parks and Gardens will be the next target and within the next few years, it will be against the law to smoke anywhere outside, except in your own private garden.

But how long before E cigarettes are included?

We have just come back from a visit to York and whilst there, visited the National Railway Museum. This place is a smoke free site and smoking is banned both inside and outside areas of the premises, with No Smoking signs displayed everywhere. As my wife and I have started vaping, we thought that when outside at the Museum, we would be okay with our e cigs. But No! We were approached by a member of staff and told to stop using them, as it was still classed as smoking. I didn't argue with him, and we put our vaping pens away.

It seems that because these devices only produce harmless vapours, they produce smoke (or vapour) and because of this, they are classed as smoking and may be offensive to people who don't smoke, or have never smoked. The hotel we stayed in would not allow us to use our vaping pens inside the hotel, even in our own bedroom, but was okay for us to use them outside in the garden or outside the front entrance, amongst those people who still smoked cigarettes.

It seems that although e cigarettes don't produce tar or other lethal chemicals, they may still cause a threat to non smokers and should not be encouraged to be used in public places. As far as I can see, vaping will never be accepted as an alternative to smoking, because they give out smoke, which seems to be the menace, not that it is harmless, but that it is still classed as being unsociable amongst non smokers. Where do you draw the line?

Geoff & Wendy
I think whenever someone draws the line the government moves it further away! I started vaping to give up smoking and succeeded but it will be a year in Feb and while I don't want fags again EVER!! I enjoy vaping. Be it the flavours or just the hobby of collecting tanks and rebuilding coils and making juice or just keeping up with advancements. Isn't that what free will is for? To choose for ourselves? Now free will is a GOD GIVEN RIGHT!! And the government thinks it has the power to take it away? No they don't they can try and will implement bans etc and while I think there right on smoking as it's harmful there wrong on vaping as it's not and eventually people will get fed up with being pushed around and told what to do by people who don't have the right to as if it's not harmful then it's totally up to the individual and then they will "bite back" and this extends far beyond vaping into other political matters I won't get into lol.
Long live vaping
It's amazing isn't it...?

The government has spent An inconceivable amount of money on getting people to quit smoking..

I myself attended a government funded quit thing where they gave me £60 worth of nicotine replacement products.. None of which worked... If it was that mainstream a campaign that I had heard of it I hate to think of how many people got a draw full of useless toot along with ad campaigns, quit kits, nurses talking to schools etc etc...

So here is this thing, that smokers are flocking too (largely due to the never ending tax the government has levied on the evil smokers) which doesn't kill, doesn't stink, doesn't leave litter and fag end everywhere and (mainly) doesn't cause the burning down of thousands of homes a year and what do they want to do...?

Is there really nothing else to concentrate on? Are there not bigger issues than people breathing out steam??

I pity the generations to come I really do...
Is there really nothing else to concentrate on? Are there not bigger issues than people breathing out steam??

I pity the generations to come I really do...

I agree with you. There are huge issues which .gov.uk should be addressing, one of them being the 1.5 Trillion national debt but they seem more interested in 'control' of the masses. Only today, the BBC has treated me to the new booze guidelines etc. and it makes you think that the government actually want to replace personal and moral responsibility with highly paid left wing Brezhnev era apparatchiks who will stop at nothing to tell us all how to live. As with "file sharing", Vaping has caught the State off guard and now they're scrambling to clamp down on vaping. How many highly paid jobs in the NHS are dependent on duty from cigs eh? They tell us that tobacco is dangerous and causes cancer BUT they won't ban tobacco? Its like the way .gov.uk taxed cars based on CO2 for the sake of "the planet" and only for manufacturers to then produce high powered and low CO2 emitting vehicles meaning the govt are now shafted due to their own policies and arrogance based on engines will ALWAYS give off high amounts of CO2. What is all boils down to is .gov.uk are stupid and choc full of empire builders who do nothing but pish our money up the wall based on their sick notion of political correctness.

As for vaping in enclosed spaces. Yes, I understand that others may not want to smell peoples vapes. But as a daily train and underground user, I do not want to smell other peoples' bad breath, bodily odour, farts and hear their obnoxious language. Yet no-one mentions that eh? I have to put up with a stench on a daily basis because a large amount of people don't understand the concept of daily showering, breathing in and out their noses and/or exercising decorum in a public place.

But all the lefties and bleeding heart gits can do is piss and moan about vaping? Hell, I'll take the stench of cig smoke over the smell of some stranger's bowel any day!
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