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Vaping is under threat

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actually in iraq the ministry of health decided to ban the importing of vaping equipment. but since we have a shit government (luckily) everything comes in no matter what.
ironically they think cigarettes and hookah junk is ok but vaping is bad.

this is like the comparison of when people say 1 hookah session equals 100 cigarettes. ok fine. i argue this one with: "sit down, smoke a hookah for an hour, at the same time have another person smoke 100 cigs. tell me who will get up after the 1 hour is over". I rest my case.

its easy to see that cig companies feel threatened and ruling the world for this many number of years isnt enough for them. this is their doing guaranteed.
Don`t shoot me down in flames here for saying this, BUT whether you are vaping or smoking, everyone has the right not to be infused by any type of smokey cloud / vapour / cig smoke / weed, or whatever. This is the reason the ban was probably brought in.
Now, i wouldnt be so meek if they called for a vaping ban outright, but to do so indoors, i guess it is only fair to look at it from the other side of the fence too. Just my opinion ofcourse.
HOWEVER i agree, the government should get their dirty mitts off the vaping industry and the decision should have been left to the owners of these businesses / establishments.
That is a very fair point but what I don't understand is establishments that allowed smoking right up to the ban and now don't allow vaping.
I agree with the point that sometimes people take vaping too far. It's worse since sub ohm setups have become readily available.

On the other hand, although the opinion of the general bandwagon-loving public might be tainted by inconsiderate vapers; at the end of the day we've been encouraged and educated to avoid tobacco smoking. Vaping is a healthier and certainly less antisocial way of going about delivering nicotine.

That said, I believe beyond doubt that tobacco companies (even if indirectly) are involved. Tobacco smoking has become such a taboo in the western world yet I don't think it has even caused a dent in their business because of how heavily they are still allowed to sell and market to the developing world. They have the means (money) to challenge the vaping industry and while I doubt tobacco smoking would dramatically increase again if vaping was banned (or heavily restricted to the point of it not being viable), the tobacco industry would have flexed their muscles enough to consider it a victory for them.
Had to reply to this. Does anyone realise some vaping products are made by Imperial Tobacco? The fag companies aren't worried about vaping. They are profiting from it. My first and awful kit was an 18mg! After checking it was owned by a subsidiary of.... Imperial Tobacco...
Some really good information here, let's hope we are listened to and we end up receiving a deal where we can continue to vape and can be sure of the product we are purchasing.
A couple of years ago was a problem, where I live it seems to be calming down. I would never smoke in a building, the smoke might not be toxic but when I wasn't vaping you could really smell the flavours and sometimes it wasn't very nice so I do have respect for others.

It would be ridiculous to ban vaping, vaping going to save hospitals money. They may try to ban but I doubt they'll get far. If vaping in buildings are banned I'd understand, people are still not sure how toxic e-liquids are. First they were fine then toxic and dangerous now okay again.
Big pharma and privatised hospitals don't make money from healthy people, that's the real evil behind this legislation.

It's obviously big pharma and big tobacco backhanders to keep people rich by keeping the population sick...

Working in unison to make people sick and then sell them the treatment.

The fact Imperial Tobacco have knocked out a few vaping products is just them clutching at straws, because it's better to have a small slice of a big pie, than no pie at all.
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