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Vaping is under threat

Vaping becomes more popular in UK, moving from smoking to vaping.
Less people smoke therefore less tax paid.
Government pile out garbage in the media to demonize people who vape.
Organisations send out the vaping masses to get wet through outside with the smokers.
Government will eventually set draconian cack to excuse the taxation on anything remotely to do with vaping.

Regulations will have nothing to do with the safety of vaping (which it should). It will all boil down to how much money the Government can make.
Vaping becomes more popular in UK, moving from smoking to vaping.
Less people smoke therefore less tax paid.
Government pile out garbage in the media to demonize people who vape.
Organisations send out the vaping masses to get wet through outside with the smokers.
Government will eventually set draconian cack to excuse the taxation on anything remotely to do with vaping.

Regulations will have nothing to do with the safety of vaping (which it should). It will all boil down to how much money the Government can make.
Does this mean we have to pay more money on e juice!
Look at Indiana in the US

If you think they can't or won't pass laws that are a direct attack on vaping just check out what passed here in Indiana in the US...

The making of DIY Juice was even made illegal... :12:[/QUOTElol and its OK to sell drugs in a shop
I'm sorry if this has already been mentioned but the three main players in this are a) Big tobacco who will ensure their 'cig-a-likes' are left untouched. b) Big pharma who are losing money on their "Honest, these will help you quit" NRT products. And finally c) The government who will take a financial hit from tobacco tax revenue. The third is probably the least potent of the forces against vaping. The first two have massive resources they are pouring into lobbying and buying research to discredit vaping in any way possible with the exception of their products. Although I've only been vaping for a few months now I've got friends who have been at it for years and the self regulating and almost totally consumer driven nature of the industry has been enjoyable to watch. It's a shame it will most likely all be torn down at some point as the corprotocracy moves in. Until then though...
If the government enforce a Tax on vaping gear due to its dangers..... have we not got an argument at the fact that Public Health England have officially said its 95% safer than smoking cigarettes and the fact that this year theres a massive chance NHS will be rolling them out as a smoking cessation tool.

How could they justify the tax then? I don't think they could.
If the government enforce a Tax on vaping gear due to its dangers..... have we not got an argument at the fact that Public Health England have officially said its 95% safer than smoking cigarettes and the fact that this year theres a massive chance NHS will be rolling them out as a smoking cessation tool.

How could they justify the tax then? I don't think they could.
They tax tampons.

How can they justify not taxing Vape?
A scientific report came out in 1944 commissioned by New York's mayor in response to a marijuana tax law. It found no health risks and usage did not lead to use of heroin as many suggested. It was shot down by US Govt and mary jane became illegal. 70 years on it is becoming legal State by State. Now they want to impose tax. Governments and big money tend to get what they want.
They banned vaping indoors in Wales last month, meaning all vapers who are trying to quit smoking have to go outside and join the dirty smokers. How does that make sense? Laws are meant to protect people not force them against their will. Surely, it's the owner's responsibility and decision whether to allow vaping indoors or not.
I hope that after some time the regulations are treated carefully and some consideration is given to their negative impact both to peoples health and also the businesses that have grown from this industry. It will suck if the small local suppliers shut down or end up limited to what they can sell.
I hope that after some time the regulations are treated carefully and some consideration is given to their negative impact both to peoples health and also the businesses that have grown from this industry. It will suck if the small local suppliers shut down or end up limited to what they can sell.

Most people in the vape industry I've spoken with seem upbeat and are preparing as best they can. There is a year plus to adapt so ...
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