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Vaporiser Cleaning

people are always scared of what they don't know its what keeps us safe....to some extent!
The only tanks/drippers that have not been clean out of the box were cheap clones ... everything else has been fine and should be ready to vape. ... when I bought my first set up the guy in the shop filled it up there and then for me, so I could walk home without smoking.

anything more than hot water and fairy is overkill probably.
For what it's worth, with new tanks I take a glass and 1/3 fill it with isopropyl alcohol, then top it up with water. Take the tank apart and drop the pieces in the glass and leave it all to steep for 5-10 minutes. Then I PUT THE PLUG IN the sink, take the parts out of the glass one by one and hold them under running cold water to rinse them off, then shake off the water and leave them to dry on a paper towel.
1 minute you water down alcohol??? Now that's just a waste [emoji23]
Hot water and soap, or in the dishwasher if it's about to be put on.
I just wash in hot water with washing up liquid ( not boiling water incase it effects the seals ). Rinse and air dry.
IDK in my case hot water and scrubbing are just what i need. I can take a toothbrush to clean coils in RDA or rebuildable RTA but that`s about it. Also, be sure to heat these babies up so every nonsense you had on coils will detach from it and then insert a coil (not a whole mod) in water.
Have never washed any of my attys with anything but warm water. Seems to do the trick
Have never washed any of my attys with anything but warm water. Seems to do the trick

I still reckon a quick rinse in Vodka cleans them out.
You get the bonus of a flavoured vodka before bed as well :drool:
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