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Wasp Nano Advice.

I've been using ss 24g flatwire in both my nanos this week. One 5 wraps (0.4ish), and the other 6 wraps (0.5). Airflow closed to a couple of mm, and I'm struggling to decide which I prefer, but both are good.
Anyone else using their wasp on a squonk ? I have mine on the pico with a 0.6 ohm kanthal coil

Anyone recommend a build best for this ?

Yeah, stick with your micro coil but swap the Kanthal for Ni80 or SS. With direct voltage and a 50w limiter you need better ramp up. It'll also give you a lower resistance and therefore more oomph (technical term for current). :D
I've got the Wasp Nano RDA running on 26g SS 3mm coming in at 0.5 TC 200C 20W and the flavour is amazing.
As has been mentioned different strokes for different folks.
Glad you found your happy place though.
Thought I'd update this :0

I found happiness with some stainless steel. specifically, a 28g staggered clapton (32g wrap) 3mm, at about 0.3ohm. The flavour is indeed excellent, but drops off massively if you add a drip tip? At 35-40w it's awesome, but Jebus, it drinks juice!!! I tried with the coil above and in between the airflow slots, and couldn't really tell much difference.

Rock mine with the coil sort of 50/50 over the airflow. Taste great, 28/38 all n80 staggered fused.

Excuse the quickly chopped pics, for whatever reason not on my drive.

I'm all good thank you, tbh I still duck in and out, feel like it's getting more regular now.....Even plucked up the courage to post lol (no reason why I wouldn't).

Indeed can be built if folk would like them.

It's a great little atty and it's nice to have something so pleasurable pretty much available to all, also its not made for big daft builds/thraping.....It's the gentlemans toot. Ladies too.
I vape between 1.2-1.5 oHm, Kanthal 26g (I think cos I've had the same roll of kanthal at least 2 years) 3.0mm ID on a Wasp. Ranges from 18-20 watts using some cotton I got in a baggie with a wotofo RDA.
I have about 1/4 of the airflow open and am squonking on a VTinbox.
The flavour is fantastic!
I do get better flavour from a genuine Hellfire RDA, but it's a dripper and needs constant attention.
As a Squonking RDA I think the Wasp Nano is a cracker, and as an alternative to my previous Vaping experiences, which are mostly RTAs, it is a world apart.
I think the Wasp Nano is the best value, genuine, Vapourising thingy I've tried.
Yep, the Hellfire produces better flavour, but equally costs shitloads more.
It's weird, I was thinking that less airflow will be more flavor, but with wasp nano rda, I tried to fully open the airflow, and it taste more flavorful than closing it 3/4. Have anyone tried this before? I'm using kanthal 26awg twisted coil .73ohms 7 wraps, 40 watts
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