I vape between 1.2-1.5 oHm, Kanthal 26g (I think cos I've had the same roll of kanthal at least 2 years) 3.0mm ID on a Wasp. Ranges from 18-20 watts using some cotton I got in a baggie with a wotofo RDA.
I have about 1/4 of the airflow open and am squonking on a VTinbox.
The flavour is fantastic!
I do get better flavour from a genuine Hellfire RDA, but it's a dripper and needs constant attention.
As a Squonking RDA I think the Wasp Nano is a cracker, and as an alternative to my previous Vaping experiences, which are mostly RTAs, it is a world apart.
I think the Wasp Nano is the best value, genuine, Vapourising thingy I've tried.
Yep, the Hellfire produces better flavour, but equally costs shitloads more.