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Looking forward to hearing your thoughts @hack400 - if it's as good as the Profile then I'll probably get one. The fact it has a screw off top cap is already a plus point over the M.
I did rate the original Kylin M Mesh RTA even though it didn't seem to get much love in the vaping world that i seemed to see. I will more than likely get one but will wait till the price drops. Has long as your happy that's the main thing, i don't mind the longer Mesh RTA's having bought the Profile RDTA, The Siegfried and the Expromizer TCX which are all Tall Tanks and have 1 thing in common, they all vape great.
another profile M as a spare :)
I ordered a Nevermore MTL RTA from SR Vapes, been looking at them for ages so just hope it is as good as everyone seems say it is!
There is a whole slew of fruity colas if you find you like that one

orange and kumquat cola is my fav

Yeah i actually didn't realise you done that many fruity ones! I hope i do like at least 1 of them. If i don't get on with the tobacco i will ensure to pass it on to a good home, my brother likes tobacco so i will get him to try it too, may have another customer!
Took advantage of Creme de Vape’s 15% discount on Svoemesto and ordered a KFL Lite plus.
I’ve been using a clone Lite quite a bit lately and enjoying it but hate the nylon airflow screw, got high hopes for the Aerokon.
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