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What are these ultra sonic thingys....I've never heard of these before.......come to think of it..with this vaping lark, there's a whole lotta things I ain't heard of before!
I will add to crewella' s recommendations and add Milton or sterilizing tablets. Available from any.supermarket baby aisle. A lot of the Chinese made rta' s (especially clones) benefit from being stripped down on arrival and either ultrasonic cleaned or I use a toothbrush and washing up liquid to give every mm a thorough clean. Even the screw threads. Then pop them into a bowl of boiling water and a sterilizing tablet for an hour. Flush each part with fresh water before drying. This will remove any machine oil which can ruin your liquid.
I also use the tablets in water to steralize a tank after using a particularly potent eliquid to prevent flavour bleed.
I will need it..I've just secured me first subby tank a Smok TF- G2..i think it's called. Bought that from Andy in the classifieds...as a starter to learn how build decks.....when that is...I can see straight again....I tells ya..I really can't wait to me other eye done...everything looks weird at the moment! I've adopted the pirate look, but covering the duff eye for now...just to stop getting headaches & feeling ill.

I definitely will be slowing down soon..i promise..bought enough stuff to keep me going for months....thrice damned shinyitis! But I do need some more mods.....sooo anybody know where I can pick up one of these Teslas for a song??
Good luck with recovery. I know it can take a long time to recover and be very painful. My grandfather had a few issue's with his so fingers crossed all goes smoothly.
I will add to crewella' s recommendations and add Milton or sterilizing tablets. Available from any.supermarket baby aisle. A lot of the Chinese made rta' s (especially clones) benefit from being stripped down on arrival and either ultrasonic cleaned or I use a toothbrush and washing up liquid to give every mm a thorough clean. Even the screw threads. Then pop them into a bowl of boiling water and a sterilizing tablet for an hour. Flush each part with fresh water before drying. This will remove any machine oil which can ruin your liquid.
I also use the tablets in water to steralize a tank after using a particularly potent eliquid to prevent flavour bleed.

Yes, as I keep finding out with mine. Some juices are okay..especially menthols...I usually add menthol to any juice i'm not so keen on. But I tried a cappuccino flavour, then after was gone, I foolishly put one of my staples in it (I did wash the tank out)...Cherry Menthol...it just ruined it....that cappuccino is powerful stuff.
Good luck with recovery. I know it can take a long time to recover and be very painful. My grandfather had a few issue's with his so fingers crossed all goes smoothly.

Thanks...I think me brain is trying to work out WTF has happened! Yesterday the 'renewed' eye was pin sharp, today it's slightly misty again....I guess I've to expect this for a while..till things settle down.
A few cheapies
I still like it, just that can be a bit of a faff to refill...and looks good on the Kamry.....did you pick up a Zenith Jacky? You'll like that even better! I given up on the X...the 4ml extension kits just don't seal properly, keeps leaking out of the bottom seal.....but then again, I could just put the original 2ml back on.....but then again...I've just received 5 new tanks to play with! Decisions Decisions! :hmm::D
I'd really like to get a zenith, but OMG I've discovered the delights of dtl!! With a tank with no name, that leaks a bit, I've loved the peanut butter, mint choc chip, and Dinner Lady's Rice Pudding! They're amazing so I want more dtl tanks, and a couple of mods powerful enough to use them lol. Roll on a few more paydays!! [emoji1]

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I'd really like to get a zenith, but OMG I've discovered the delights of dtl!! With a tank with no name, that leaks a bit, I've loved the peanut butter, mint choc chip, and Dinner Lady's Rice Pudding! They're amazing so I want more dtl tanks, and a couple of mods powerful enough to use them lol. Roll on a few more paydays!! [emoji1]

Sent from my SM-J510FN using Planet of the Vapes Forum mobile app

So that's another new member of the cloud chasing fraternity then! I may just yet follow you!
You got those from evolution, I presume? Great price...I am tempted to try the Cornflake Tart & Lemon ones...plus a couple from the Summer range. But at 70VG..dunno if my MTL tanks can take it
They will be fine in your tanks. Leave the cornflakes it's better at high wattage. The lemon is one of the best pud juices around. Not just my opinion it's won a fair few awards. I will be running a giveaway this week and review of all the new dinner lady flavours.
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