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What did your Postie bring you today? - VAPE MAIL!

Quoting this just to say I completely lost my nut with Greyhaze in the end, I triggered a chargeback on my card and after a long questionnaire with a bunch of screenshots, the bank issued me a refund within an hour. Got an email from Greyhaze today that they're doing an investigation with RM that could take up to a month. IMHO, as soon as my order didn't come in the expected time they should have sent me another one with free 24hr delivery and then discussed their losses with RM, this is really none of my business as a customer, I expect to receive what I paid for. That's it for me and GH, it's not a shop for me.
I have ordered a few times with Greyhaze and never had issue, things like what happened to you does occur, at least you got your cashback.
Got some Lemon Tart
The postman turned up and bought me some Vegetable Glycerin, propylene glycol and a bottle of 100ML Solub arome Mothers milk V3.

I made a test batch of 10ML at 6MG nicotine with 15% concentrate, the flavour was there but not strong enough so I am going to try another 10ML bottle at 18%.

I want to get it right before I use the 100ML bottles I have coming through the post at the moment to make larger batches, if 18% is not strong enough I will go for 20%, as this is what I used to make the Solub Arome mothers milk V2 at.

Everything came to about £16, and my vape shop sells 10ML bottles at £3.99 a pop, so I will be able to make around £250-300 worth of juice.

I wasn't building coils or doing DIY liquid due to my mental health, but now that it is stable I want to get back into everything, and save a tonne of money on juice that can go towards new mods, RTA's, RDA's and some new batteries as my molicels are from 2023 and aging.
Well I got 5 100ML bottles with a nozzle for dripping through the post, and some 26G SS316L from stealth vape.

So I made up 100ML of Solub Arome mothers milk V3 concentrate at 20% after trying a few test bottles at different percentages, and changed from a 5 wrap 22G Kanthal coil to a 8 wrap 2MM ID SS316L build for the Vector RDA on top of my Kindred V2 mech.

The 8 wrap coil is coming in around 0.42 Ohms so a bit higher resistance than the previous build, but where the wire is thinner it still ramps up quickly and gives a nice warm vape.
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