Probably a little of both you are paying for probably the best known mod out there, but on the other hand it has a good rep for a reason. When you look inside the tube of the provari it is really nicely built. I can't comment on the zmax build as I haven't seen one up close and personal. I'll try and take a photo but it might not come out well
I have tons of mods, from tubes to tins to bottom feeders....oh and the best i ever had, the Provari its worth the money.
Absolute quality, every atty you put on it is smoother, more flavour and more clouds.
Just my opinion though, before i get
I have taken on all your advice of which I am very grateful and have bitten the bullet and ordered a Provari V2 in purple with a blue LED will post pictures when it arrives.
ordred it from vapistvapourizers as best price I could find and answered my questions straight away