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What sort of drill should I buy for advanced coil making?


Jan 16, 2019
I'm really new to coil making so have only made the basics, but now want to try making staple Clapton, Aliens, fused etc.

I've seen some brilliant coils made using drill rotation on youtube but I dont think my drill will do the job. It will take the wire but the speed it too fast and I know nothing about drills and what I should be looking for. Obviously I want something that will turn very slowly to begin with.

If anyone that makes coils using this method could advise I'd be really grateful.
Yup, i use one of those, very easy to use, Kzor on youtube has some tutorials on how to make various coil types with it.
any variable speed drill/tool with a chuck, so a dremil or cheap knock off would work, so what tool would suit your budget/other use needs best? you dont need all the torque/oomph that a drill has to spin wire, and perhaps a less powerfull tool may even provide more easily detected feedback (that last bit is pure speculation btw,,)..
Oh yes, I've seen these on YouTube, but I think for what they are they're quite expensive at nearly £40 for a device that does 1 job. Whereas a drill is also a drill (haha) and I've seen a few around £28. Just not sure about the speed.

Sorry, can't really advise on drills for this type of use.
I use both a normal battery powered drill and the avidartisan kit, there are pros and cons to both.
Any drill where you can vary the speed will do the job this is usually done by altering how much you press the button, it’s not generally an on/off switch so the drill you already have will probably do the job just as well as any other.
The drill I have already has 2 speeds, both way too fast for my purpose. It's really old too.

But yes a dremel may do the job too..... I only learnt about them today haha!
I have a dremmel and although it has variable speed it would be way too fast even on the slowest setting, it is quite an old one though and they may have changed a bit since. Really any drill with variable speed will do the job.
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