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Which clearo


Nov 16, 2013
I am wanting to move on from the ego ce5 style tank for when the torch mod is done. Obviously once I get firing on an 18500 battery I will be needing a nice little tank that can cope and not quit under the immediate pressure.

So far I have singled out

The Innokin dual coil iclear 30's

The mini nova 3.5ml

And Pro tanks

Which would be the better option based on your own personal usage of such products.?

I am also interested in sourcing a tank with a max base diameter of 30mm, any ideas on this one?

Thank you in advance :)
I am also interested in sourcing a tank with a max base diameter of 30mm, any ideas on this one?

I've never seen an atomizer bigger than 23 mm on the interwebby thingy
[h=3]Scuba tank maximum width of 22mm, and has a net volume of 3.5ml[/h]
Some people adore the iclear 30's but I reckoned they have a too tight draw and are disappointing. Not had a mini but the Vivi Novas I had were poor. Pro-tanks and those similar like the Dbox would be my recommendation although some find these too loose a draw.

One advantage of the Protanks is that you can recoil the heads, something which is almost impossible on the iClears.
I tried the Vivi Nova but found it a bit leaky from time to time. The top seal around the head can be a wee bit problematic, but other than that I really liked it. I haven't tried the iClear30, but Smoktech make a dual coil version of the Nova, called the X2. It hits harder than the Nova, but it goes through juice a bit faster too. They've redesigned the topseal on the head so there aren't any leaking problems with it at all. I'm only really using Protanks and mini protanks now, and I love both types.

I still have the Nova and the X2 and they're just sitting in my box gathering dust, so if you PM me your address I can post them down to you. I have two heads for the Nova (1.8 and 2.8) which are both used, but not much and they've been cleaned since last use. I've got one used head and three unused for the X2 as well, and I bought an aluminium tank siding to replace the polycarbonate for use with tank-cracker juices. If you're interested in trying them I'm not looking for any payment, it just doesn't seem like there's much point in me holding on to them and not giving them any use.

Lastly, on the 30mm tank front, I've never seen one that wide. Vape Escape do a 5ml Hypertank, but that only comes in at 22mm. They've got a discount code on here, and they're doing 15% off the hypertank just now too. Hope this helps.
The Ithaka looks nice, :) I am not in to re building/coiling etc yet but I dare say it will only be a matter of time so that is the reason I am looking for a good top for my new build, shame it does not come in titanium colour though ;)

Pro tanks seem to be winning so far for the plain ole every day fitment.

Thanks so far btw, as always, plenty of help given on here and it is great, cheers.
I tried the Vivi Nova but found it a bit leaky from time to time. The top seal around the head can be a wee bit problematic, but other than that I really liked it. I haven't tried the iClear30, but Smoktech make a dual coil version of the Nova, called the X2. It hits harder than the Nova, but it goes through juice a bit faster too. They've redesigned the topseal on the head so there aren't any leaking problems with it at all. I'm only really using Protanks and mini protanks now, and I love both types.

I still have the Nova and the X2 and they're just sitting in my box gathering dust, so if you PM me your address I can post them down to you. I have two heads for the Nova (1.8 and 2.8) which are both used, but not much and they've been cleaned since last use. I've got one used head and three unused for the X2 as well, and I bought an aluminium tank siding to replace the polycarbonate for use with tank-cracker juices. If you're interested in trying them I'm not looking for any payment, it just doesn't seem like there's much point in me holding on to them and not giving them any use.

Lastly, on the 30mm tank front, I've never seen one that wide. Vape Escape do a 5ml Hypertank, but that only comes in at 22mm. They've got a discount code on here, and they're doing 15% off the hypertank just now too. Hope this helps.

Thank you very much for that offer Uisgemann ​Very kind of you. :)
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