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Who's With Me, ( My Journal of my Vaping )

If you can make it thru 5 days without a fag then you can make it thru 50, 500, 5000...

I mean, you're literally doing the HARDEST part of quitting over and over and over again. The first few days are by far the hardest. It only gets easier and easier the longer you go.

Put your big boy pants on Leon, suck it up, and stay off the damn fags. You CAN do it, IF you choose to do it. The choice is yours and yours alone. Nobody else can do it for you.

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I lasted 5 days and 19 hours, as I had been dying for one the day before.

I have now had my last puff at 8 AM this morning/
This isn't a slur on your character @P2PLeon but i honestly don't believe you want to quit. I think you do this to get attention. It doesn't matter to you if the attention is good or bad, it's just something you need to have. We all know that your never gonna quit and your just making a mockery of those that are trying but really struggling. There are Thousands of ppl out there who have been where you are now and still quit. The amount of support you have recieved has been neverending but you still go back to smoking. Most are now at the point of not giving a toss either way and the others just feel sorry for you, which is probably what you want. You need to wake up at take a look at what your doing.
I do not look for attention, but incentives to quit.

I know I can quit given the amount of days i am doing without smoking but breaking that bond between a old friend that is stubborn as a mule. Is either just luck or willpower alone is key.

I know I can do many hours now without thinking about it but I usually think if i have done this then i can have one, wich leads to two, three, four. And before i know it i am back in a packet.

The only time today that i nearly went back to them was when drinking tea upstairs and gulped the last dreggs, i reached for my pocket and remembered i was only vaping.

Yet my mother did ask me if i wanted one earlier.

I did decline, and said dont tempt me.

She bought five sleeves so there is plentiful.
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