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Who's With Me, ( My Journal of my Vaping )

What could have been my bottom banner, and what actually is, is my top banner?

Since Sunday, I have been doing many hours without, but I have quit respectfully since last night at 1 AM (12 AM without DST).

I awoke to find that I just did not light one up; instead used my rechargeable Disposable.

So, my Quit date is October 11th, 2024, at 12 AM, as the banner does not show Daylight Savings Time.
how can your second banner show 8.2 years since your last cig.

you cant even manage 8 days :)

ok scrap that, your giving up at midnight tonight.

ill change that to cant even last 8 hours.
@MrDJ, if you look at my signature underneath the 8-year one, it states what could have been.

And I did quit last night not tonight.
Having read lots of your posts about your efforts and countless attempts to stop smoking which dont appear to be working, may I make a suggestion.

You seem to keep smoking despite wanting to quit. Yet you appear to also want to vape. Try 1 month of vaping and smoking throughout the day and whatever gives you the most satisfaction then stick with that one. To successfully quit smoking you've got to want to do it. I was a heavy 40 a day smoker for the best part of 40yrs. My original intention was to cut down the amounts of cigarettes I had each day by vaping as well. After about 1 month I found I was smoking less and less and preferred vaping. At that point I made the decision to quite smoking altogether and vape. That was just over 10yrs ago and I've not had a single smoke in that time.

If you decide to smoke then smoke, equally if you want to vape then vape. Make the choice and stick with it.

If you want to
I'm curious if you managed to last an entire day without smoking.

I sort of agree with Richard Winter - but if you want to smoke and vape I think that's OK if it helps to reduce your smoking habit. What you shouldn't really be doing is constantly posting about how you 'quit' several times in the same day - and creating yet another thread full of the 'I've now not smoked for xx hours - except for the three cigs I had a few hours ago nonsense as this is a complete wind up for anyone currently trying to quit who stumbles across your last 9 year's worth of posts.

If you actually manage to stop for an entire day, a week or a month then great - if you manage to reduce your smoking also great, please post about your successes. But please don't bother updating us about every time you 'stop' as it's a bit of a wind up.

Good luck with your attempts to quit/reduce smoking.
@MrDJ, if you look at my signature underneath the 8-year one, it states what could have been.

And I did quit last night not tonight.
What could have been is utterly worthless. I could have been a ballerina if I went to ballerina school. I could have been a multi billionaire if I'd invested in Apple, Amazon, Bit Coin and Tesla. Funnily enough, I'm not a billionaire or a ballerina as I did none of it. What could have been is worthless, but what can be is not. You can't save 42 grand not having smoked 87k cigarettes over the last 8 years, but you can save 42 grand not smoking another 87k cigarettes over the next 8 years. That's entirely on you and you alone.
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