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You were right

Building the coils to use for single battery config as of now. I will order some brochrome and possibly try series builds again when my 30Qs come which will give me much more batt life.
24 gauge Nichrome flatwire (brochrome) is nice and versatile, a good starting place, and works great on mechs. I currently use the expensive stuff (Flatwire co. NI-FLAT) but have a reel of brochrome for when it runs out.

Having said that, I have been running the same coils for months now, so at my current rate I will probably get to the brochrome sometime in early 2020! :)
Building the coils to use for single battery config as of now. I will order some brochrome and possibly try series builds again when my 30Qs come which will give me much more batt life.
30Qs won't cut it in a mech, they sag to much and are better off in regulated devices - you'll probably get less run time than a good 2500mah battery like the Sony vtc5a! There's a lot more to batteries than mah.
Jumping jesus!! It's like groundhog day, I thought I mentioned VTC5A's yesterday...
Building the coils to use for single battery config as of now. I will order some brochrome and possibly try series builds again when my 30Qs come which will give me much more batt life.

As has been said above, believe it or not 30Q’s are likely to give you poorer performance than VTC5A’s as the Sonys exhibit much less sag.

I will say, as I’ve said before - good on you for learning and taking information on board, it looks like you learned the hard way but sometimes that’s what it takes.
VapCell (Sony VTC6As or 5Ds) are what you need for a mech imo.

0.2 build on a single coil, single cell mech.

I'll get a good 8 hours usage.

@Chris K
Not seen 6A's around yet, something to look forward to when I need to replace the 5A's :D
They must be hidden somewhere then. I don't see them.
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