Bubbles have been the problem from the start, I mentioned it early on I'm pretty sure, maybe not. The bubbles appear but I haven't figured out why, probably after a few hits. They then stay around the intake. Yeah I did mention it because I remember posting a picture of it in this thread.
So they stay where they are on both sides, as in the picture, and don't move unless physically moved and it takes maybe 1 minutes to do it so it's a massive inconvenience. I figured that was the reason the coils were burning so quickly, due to lack of juice. Sometimes if they're small enough I just leave them until they're covering the cotton.
It shouldn't be happening at all, which is my point. Its a year old, tops, it should be working flawlessly.
I would take it into the shop but they'd extort me just like they do with every other possible avenue related to vaping.