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Zeus x mesh problems

the only cotton i use with all my mesh is this & saturate the heck out of it ..
I use alternatives now but think Firebolt m or the Wotofo stuff is better to start off with, then when you get a feel for it try other stuff if you want.
Pads in everything mesh except for the Damvape Doom, which whilst having flavour to rival the unity is probably more tricky to wick :help: Because the cotton gets crushed and I cant always get the deck back in snugly, so I use Dat White Stuff, best processed cotton out there.
I use pads in my Doom. Half a square folded then rolled up as tight as I can get it. Bring mesh down over it. Fluff then trim and pop in
Pads in everything mesh except for the Damvape Doom, which whilst having flavour to rival the unity is probably more tricky to wick :help: Because the cotton gets crushed and I cant always get the deck back in snugly, so I use Dat White Stuff, best processed cotton out there.
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