- Joined
- Mar 4, 2013
- Messages
- 5
... I'm not really a bad sort. 
I first heard about POTV on the VP Live radio show where Kevin, the host, interviewed Toby (OccultScientist). Half-way through the interview, I popped over here and registered; to hear Toby tell it, this is the place to be and I believe him!
I smoked my last cigarette a year ago after 50 years as a PAD smoker. I took up vaping at the recommendation of a cardiologist, which recommendation was seconded and encouraged by my personal physician. I have never regretted that decision. I do not miss the fags, have no desire for them, and am well shut of them. I did, however, love smoking—especially pipes, of which I have a sizable and expensive collection. Now my tobacco pipes are only show pieces, but I still can enjoy the pleasures of the pipe ... as Dave Dorn puts it, "All of the pleasure, none of the death!"
As my forum handle might suggest, I quite fancy eGos–specifically, 1000mAh stainless steel eGo Twists. My very first "real" e-cig, after my introductory lookie-likey, was a 650mAh SS eGo Passthrough, and that original battery is still alive and kicking a year later! Today, I have five SS eGo Twists in my active rotation and they are my primary out-and-about devices, usually with a Kanger T3 or a mini Vivi Nova atop. At home, I have a Satin SS ProVari, SS Legacy, SS Zmax, SS Vamo, three SS MVPs, SS EA Mod, and last but far from least, an SS Stealth GGTS! (Do you get the hint that I like stainless steel?)
I'm very much into RBAs these days, with my favorite atomizer being the GG Penelope, of which I have three. Of late, I've also taken up the genesis-style, primarily because it seems to have been dictated by fate—I've won two AGAs in recent contests (an AGA-T in Kevin's Christmas giveaway, and an AGA-W from Todd at ToddsReviews)! I'll have more to say about the AGAs in another post ... the experience has been interesting, to say the least—and unexpected, too!
I'm glad to have found this forum! As vaping has evolved from a mere substitute for smoking into a full-blown passion, I'm ever on the quest for more and better knowledge ... a commodity which seems to be in plentiful supply here. I hope to make many new friends among my fellow vapers in the UK!

I first heard about POTV on the VP Live radio show where Kevin, the host, interviewed Toby (OccultScientist). Half-way through the interview, I popped over here and registered; to hear Toby tell it, this is the place to be and I believe him!
I smoked my last cigarette a year ago after 50 years as a PAD smoker. I took up vaping at the recommendation of a cardiologist, which recommendation was seconded and encouraged by my personal physician. I have never regretted that decision. I do not miss the fags, have no desire for them, and am well shut of them. I did, however, love smoking—especially pipes, of which I have a sizable and expensive collection. Now my tobacco pipes are only show pieces, but I still can enjoy the pleasures of the pipe ... as Dave Dorn puts it, "All of the pleasure, none of the death!"
As my forum handle might suggest, I quite fancy eGos–specifically, 1000mAh stainless steel eGo Twists. My very first "real" e-cig, after my introductory lookie-likey, was a 650mAh SS eGo Passthrough, and that original battery is still alive and kicking a year later! Today, I have five SS eGo Twists in my active rotation and they are my primary out-and-about devices, usually with a Kanger T3 or a mini Vivi Nova atop. At home, I have a Satin SS ProVari, SS Legacy, SS Zmax, SS Vamo, three SS MVPs, SS EA Mod, and last but far from least, an SS Stealth GGTS! (Do you get the hint that I like stainless steel?)
I'm very much into RBAs these days, with my favorite atomizer being the GG Penelope, of which I have three. Of late, I've also taken up the genesis-style, primarily because it seems to have been dictated by fate—I've won two AGAs in recent contests (an AGA-T in Kevin's Christmas giveaway, and an AGA-W from Todd at ToddsReviews)! I'll have more to say about the AGAs in another post ... the experience has been interesting, to say the least—and unexpected, too!
I'm glad to have found this forum! As vaping has evolved from a mere substitute for smoking into a full-blown passion, I'm ever on the quest for more and better knowledge ... a commodity which seems to be in plentiful supply here. I hope to make many new friends among my fellow vapers in the UK!