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1:1 Nemesis Clone search


Mod Maker
May 30, 2013
After about a year of not owning a Nemesis and also discovering that I have a set of clone anodised tubes I'd forgotten about I've decided to get myself another Nemesis clone.

However my usual first stop FT seems to have stopped doing all the original clones with 1:1 threading so my question is does anyone know of a good cheap UK 1:1 clone or which one of the many that FT currently sell has the 1:1 threading.

Looking for either Brass or SS or Mixed

I always rated the Hcigar clone Matey, threading was compatible with the authentics etc.
Hcigar is probably what I'm after but its just trying to find one these days. Had a SS Brass and a SV clone v1 in the past but have moved them all on now. FT have stopped stocking the original clones and most of the new ones they list don't seem to have the original threading. They list so many its difficult to know which are the goods ones.

Searching UK vendors and have found a couple of brass ones that say they are 1:1 but at £30 for a clone that is so old I'm finding it hard to push the button.
M-Vapes clone is pretty good. Nice smooth threads and their service is tiptop in my opinion.
Try sending them a PM on here to see if they are getting any in anytime soon. They reply pretty quickly.
that's the one I'm leaning towards at the moment.

I wouldn't mind getting one from FT but it seems to be pot luck when it comes to the threading these days
The FT Neme is nowhere near 1:1.
Threads arent great and the button is crunchy whereas my SMPL clone just performs as it should.
I got one off ebay for £7.20 a couple of months ago , I doubt its a 1 .1 but I have no complaints
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