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25mm Subtank RBA problem


Apr 17, 2014
Tchah! Yet again my 25mm subtank chimney barrel won't unscrew from the deck.

I've got two 25mm subtanks, both exhibit this same problem with the RBA.

Sometimes the barrel will unscrew very easily but mainly they need a vice and severe treatment with pliers. They then free up very suddenly; one second they're locked solid - the next they're spinning easily, no untightening phase if you get my meaning.

It makes no difference if you don't screw it up tight or lubricate the threads after rewicking.

Anyone else had this problem?
I had this problem at first I thought I was over-tightening. But I'm glad it's not just me. I tighten it just till it stops then I can't open it again without pliers!!

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I found that drying it thoroughly and using less grip. Its almost like you can grab it too hard.
I found that drying it thoroughly and using less grip. Its almost like you can grab it too hard.

Yeah I found that too, it jammed on me so I left it for a couple of days and when I tried again it unscrewed easily by hand.
Thanks for the replies people. Good to know I'm not alone!

I'll try the fridge trick next time, failing that I'll pour some boiling water over the barrel.

I wonder if the subtank mini RBA does the same?
Thanks for the replies people. Good to know I'm not alone!

I'll try the fridge trick next time, failing that I'll pour some boiling water over the barrel.

I wonder if the subtank mini RBA does the same?

Yeah my mini did that as well.
Yep as mentioned above subtank mini RBA section also does this.

I agree sometimes you can try gripping this too hard and a lighter touch sometimes helps but sometimes it's just stuck and a right pain.

I stick mine in the freezer for a few minutes and try again. I wouldn't imagine running hot water on it would help at all as the metal would expand and become tighter surely?

Using a cloth to hold both sides helps a bit as well, can help you wedge a finger nail in the juice channel on the deck without snapping the nail off haha. Have heard some even resort to putting on some marigolds to get more grip!
... I wouldn't imagine running hot water on it would help at all as the metal would expand and become tighter surely?

Using a cloth to hold both sides helps a bit as well, can help you wedge a finger nail in the juice channel on the deck without snapping the nail off haha. ...

My idea is to just heat the barrel and expand it off the deck threads (before they start expanding too). Possibly, maybe, perhaps?!

My thumbnail has a notch in it now from jamming it in that wretched juice channel!

Thanks for the good thoughts!
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