Up from £6 to £12 for parking in the old town, for 3 hours. There is no discount for longer parking periods, everything is 1x 2x and 3x. 30min parking is now £2, fuck that.
The county council tried to introduce permit parking in my area, the hipsters and bourgeoisie (DFL's - Down from London) tried to force it by getting a petition up (9 sigs) and submitting it to the county council, who promptly issued proposals and a formal consultation. A counter petition and a large piss off response to the consultation, got it thrown out. But they will try again, both the council and the DFL's, the latter who think their money will buy them a parking space, which it will not, there are too many residents vehicles and not enough spaces, tossers.
71% of respondents live within the consultation area with 78% of them objecting to the proposals. 106 responses are from outside the consultation area. 97% object to the proposed scheme.
We have also received a counter-petition with 81 signatures opposed to the proposed scheme.