Ah need mod approval for posting? Just posted link to kit that I bought.
As a new member, some posts with links are moderated but our team is pretty quick to identify the good posts from the spammy posts
With those clearomisers, it is very important to not have overfilled them. Overfilling them can lead to leaks (which means sticky hands), poor connection between the battery and the clearmiser resulting in miss-fire or no-fire, or a flooded coil. Coils that are too wet, can not heat up enough to create vapour, and for some odd awful reason create a throat hit that can kind of sting.
Under-filling or a dry coil can kind of cause the same thing, burnt taste, little to no vapour.
Suggest that you Try clicking the battery 5 more times first, sometimes they are all ready turned on and you can inadvertently turn them off without even knowing. The button should also light up when you press it.
On another thought, it is very important that you dont clamp these batteries down tight onto the charge or clearomiser. Doing so cant break the contact resulting in a broken battery. Take a your battery and clearo apart and on the top side of the battery you will see a centre pin (either silver or gold) take a toothpick of pin and gentle wiggle it upwards a little bit, reattach and try again, if still a no go, try charging it again, if that doesnt work, get in touch with Vape Escape for a replacement.
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