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Any info on this

Kinda regretting selling my Sure now! How you getting on with it @zouzounaki (apart from it playing havoc with your air purifier)?

aye, it’s decent. i like it, it’s been in use since it arrived. not sure what the deal is with the air purifier, my dvarw seemed to be bothering it the other day too.
Another review of it below. Not sure why he compares it to the Bishop as other than gravity fed I don't see it has very much in common. Anyway unlike VwV who didn't find much difference in them he's a big fan of the different bells and the atty.

Another review of it below. Not sure why he compares it to the Bishop as other than gravity fed I don't see it has very much in common. Anyway unlike VwV who didn't find much difference in them he's a big fan of the different bells and the atty.

i’ve not watched it, will try later if i have any spare time. agree, it’s not that similar to the bishop other than gravity system and very smooth draw. i think i prefer the bishop but that’s just personal preference but they are pretty different in how they vape. side by side i would say the sure is closer to the v1 dvarw in terms of the experience.
Funnily enough I just offloaded all my Bishop and Ripley's, fed up filling them all the time because of the paltry 2mm liquid capacity, tried the 4ml extension but wasn't happy with the loss of flavour. Bishop Cubed works well though.
Took a punt on this and here are my thoughts, not a review :)
Its well made as you would expect, and I like the looks. Building is very very easy, I do like the way they have done the juice control, basically fool proof. Air flow is through the pins, and as they are screwed in using the supplied tool you can't change them without removing the coil. I don't know if the size of the pins are marked on them, but I could not see anything, though with my eyes who knows ;)
Flavor wise it's very good, I have the 1.2, I think, in with what again I think is the chamber for tobacco and got some net in there and its very good. I will mess around with the chambers and pins with different juice down the line.
Only day one but its a keeper, not going to judge it against what I use most as its too early, but I am so far enjoying the flavor, time will tell.
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