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Arcana 22

Never used a Xros so can't compare and I had problems with my Arcana so can't say I'm in love with it and it's been returned under warranty. However before that I put a couple of builds through it and it did produce very nice flavour (Drake's Burley). I found it easy to build on and used a 1.2ohm 2.5 id coil about 2mm above a 1mm air pin at 10 watts and just fluffed the cotton (Slivr) so it filled the juice wells.
Try going really low with your coil height, maybe 2mm above the air hole. As others have said, don't use too much cotton. Those are the 2 most important tips.
I use the 1mm air reducer and run it at about 14 watts using 0.8 ohm coil.
Never used a Xros so can't compare and I had problems with my Arcana so can't say I'm in love with it and it's been returned under warranty. However before that I put a couple of builds through it and it did produce very nice flavour (Drake's Burley). I found it easy to build on and used a 1.2ohm 2.5 id coil about 2mm above a 1mm air pin at 10 watts and just fluffed the cotton (Slivr) so it filled the juice wells.
Will try few more builds with different cotton next week when i return back home if that fails i might be selling it and return to rda or subohm rta.

This is a long shot,but could it be a case of vapours tongue?
I doubt that mate, i use same liquid max 2 days in a row.
Just yday i tried some builds and indeed i got a bit of improvement using less cotton and tried it with one of my favs, dinner lady lemon tart 50/50 (6mg and 3mg), and xros was on point but arcana only like 70% there

Day to all!
Small-ish update on my ongoing battle with Arcana...
I'm finaly home and did several new builds with different cotton, wire and liquid.
While still on a vacation i saw that cb prime takes at leats 2 tanks to break in properly amd that won't do well with NET.

Tried differnt cotton and got at least 20% more flavour almost to the point i was happy with it. Tobacco flavours were almost spot on.
Another findig was, after using other flavours, that it does not like deserts, custards and anything with tart in name.

And the last thing, going mtl, is that it reminds me too much to smoking as i had on several occassions huge desire to light one up. ‍♂️
Guess Arcana is going away as soon as i find where to sell it in germany and i'm going back to DL and rdl, perhaps search for single coil rdl tank with good flavour, and keep xross for on the way.

Thanks too all for input!
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