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ASH Director endorses e-cigarettes

Certainly was an interesting read - makes me wish he was still the director of ASH, or at least involved in public health still...
Certainly was an interesting read - makes me wish he was still the director of ASH, or at least involved in public health still...

Same here, DocVape!

Hadn't seen your blog before - off to check it out now!
I really enjoyed the post on forums on your blog, Docvape. Personally, I find that while Planet of the Vapes seems very friendly, users on some forums can be very agressive at times.
That's an excellent interview. He makes complete sense. Thanks for sharing James :)
I really enjoyed the post on forums on your blog, Docvape. Personally, I find that while Planet of the Vapes seems very friendly, users on some forums can be very agressive at times.
+1 to that
Planet of the vapes is definitely the friendliest vaping forum as far as I'm concerned! More importantly everyone is allowed an opinion here too...
+1 to that
Planet of the vapes is definitely the friendliest vaping forum as far as I'm concerned! More importantly everyone is allowed an opinion here too...
It's a balance Doc. It's important to allow opinion venting as long as its not abusive or overly offensive. It's less about moderating as such. More about encouraging friendly respectful debate. I think we have it about right so far and that's down more to the members on here.
Thanks, Mark. I had a fascinating comment emailed to me by Bill Godshall, which explains the current attitude taken by ASH:

I enjoyed collaborating with Clive Bates for about five years (around 1998-2003) when he headed up ASH UK. Unfortunately for public health, Clive's harm reduction campaign to rescind the EU snus ban was sabotaged by abstinence only prohibitionists and by drug industry funded groups, which frustrated Clive so much that he not only quit ASH UK, but he quit public health.

After Clive left ASH UK, Deborah Arnott (who was Clive's assistant) basically rescinded Clive's harm reduction policy at ASH UK (because she wanted to get along with the anti tobacco extremist groups in the UK and EU), while John Britton (who Clive convinced to support repealing the snus ban) quietly backtracked on the Royal College of Physician's call for repealing EU's snus ban.

Still not sure what the Royal College's position is on harm reduction, as they've been advocating Dalli's Tobacco Products Directive that would ban e-cigs, while simultaneosly claiming that e-cigarettes shouldn't be banned (but instead regulated).
It's a balance Doc. It's important to allow opinion venting as long as its not abusive or overly offensive. It's less about moderating as such. More about encouraging friendly respectful debate. I think we have it about right so far and that's down more to the members on here.

+1 to Mark!
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