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Asked A.I to clone me a juice

Using your argument you could say that AI can’t process or generate images without eyes. AI has been creating new food recipes for years without taste buds. You can’t have it both ways.

Well yes, computers once they're programed can be left on their own to do what they're told which they've been doing since the early days when Turing cracked the enigma code but the computer cannot just pluck its information from thin air. In order for it to create a flavour profile and be able to judge whether it's going to be any good the knowledge it needs has to come from somewhere. Centuries of built up knowledge thanks to peoples taste buds lies behind the immense amount data we now have available which is what we use to train AI. Not only that but AI is not infalable so we have to do the testing and provide the necessary feedback so it doesn't just go haywire and produce a load of complete crap because no-one has told it when it's going wrong. :D
Well yes, computers once they're programed can be left on their own to do what they're told which they've been doing since the early days when Turing cracked the enigma code but the computer cannot just pluck its information from thin air. In order for it to create a flavour profile and be able to judge whether it's going to be any good the knowledge it needs has to come from somewhere. Centuries of built up knowledge thanks to peoples taste buds lies behind the immense amount data we now have available which is what we use to train AI. Not only that but AI is not infalable so we have to do the testing and provide the necessary feedback so it doesn't just go haywire and produce a load of complete crap because no-one has told it when it's going wrong. :D

I might have some experience with those dumb computers, but that aside, as I said earlier, AI has been producing new recipes for years without tastebuds. You also used the phrase “never”, which rarely holds true.
I might have some experience with those dumb computers, but that aside, as I said earlier, AI has been producing new recipes for years without tastebuds. You also used the phrase “never”, which rarely holds true.

No it hasn't. No matter what you ask AI to produce it still has to be tested. It still has to go through various stages of approval, particularly when it comes to something that is for human consumption and somewhere in that process it is human taste buds that have to taste it.
No it hasn't. No matter what you ask AI to produce it still has to be tested. It still has to go through various stages of approval, particularly when it comes to something that is for human consumption and somewhere in that process it is human taste buds that have to taste it.

AI has been producing recipes for human consumption for at least a decade. It's not a big leap in imagination to see that generative AI (the latest trend) can do the same. As for approval and testing, that's only if someone is producing an ejuice for sale. Anyone can produce an ejuice recipe and stick it on the web, no need to go through all that palava to publish a recipe.
AI has been producing recipes for human consumption for at least a decade. It's not a big leap in imagination to see that generative AI (the latest trend) can do the same. As for approval and testing, that's only if someone is producing an ejuice for sale. Anyone can produce an ejuice recipe and stick it on the web, no need to go through all that palava to publish a recipe.

Well I would certainly be interested to see any examples of where someone has produced a recipe using AI that was soley for their private use and not intended for resale. Even if they did they would still use their own taste buds to test whether it was any good or not just like I do with my own recipes. You can't avoid it. AI helps to produce many different things but everything it produces is ultimately for use by human beings and it is people who have to test and approve it. :)
Well I would certainly be interested to see any examples of where someone has produced a recipe using AI that was soley for their private use and not intended for resale. Even if they did they would still use their own taste buds to test whether it was any good or not just like I do with my own recipes. You can't avoid it. AI helps to produce many different things but everything it produces is ultimately for use by human beings and it is people who have to test and approve it. :)

DIY or DIE played with ChatGPT a year ago.

DIY or DIE played with ChatGPT a year ago.

Interesting video but as it was only made a year ago I'm not sure it shows me that AI is quite there yet in terms of being able to produce a recipe without some form of human involvement but I'm not going to doubt your word and it'll be interesting to see how things develop in furture. Rather than going round in circles I shall leave this on a nice note now so thatnks for the chat. :)
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